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Letters to the Editor, March 17, 2007

<p align="right">What a shock. Expulsions at Berkeley, not that anyone is fooled by this, not when Bermuda's most prominent Berkeleyite threatens physical harm to another elected public servant in front of the whole Island (no less). It is obvious to the youth of this island what the Government's message is. (If you don't like it, smash it! Get rid of it!) How? With sanctified leaders like this will this Island function in the future? Don't be fooled!

Bad message

February 19, 2007

Dear Sir,

What a shock. Expulsions at Berkeley, not that anyone is fooled by this, not when Bermuda's most prominent Berkeleyite threatens physical harm to another elected public servant in front of the whole Island (no less). It is obvious to the youth of this island what the Government's message is. (If you don't like it, smash it! Get rid of it!) How? With sanctified leaders like this will this Island function in the future? Don't be fooled!

The threat assessment made on his behalf by "the Colonel" highlighting the need for a bodyguard showed them how bad things are going to get. No one is going to be safe, well no one but Premier Dr. Ewart Brown JP MP. It's reassuring to know that "Fearless Leader" shall never be crammed into that title. Don't be fooled, it should make every hard working, tax paying parent go ballistic that as soon as children enter the nurturing environment of the public education system they start to underachieve. From the very first day! Eight years ... 3,000 days ... 4,320,000 minutes... Half a generation with little chance of having a meaningful share of this islands possible future. Don't be fooled!


Hamilton Parish

Thin edge of the wedge

February 22, 2007

Dear Sir,

Did Mr. Christiansen let the cat out of the bag — a casino at the new hotel proposed at Southlands? Surely this will be the thin edge of the wedge. Do we want gambling in Bermuda and the type of clientele that it will attract? We will be inviting a social disaster!



An un-just tax

March 11, 2007

Dear Sir,

One wonders why there has not yet been an out-cry against this anti- British Constitution un-just tax — the Queen's Bottom. After all, the Royal Right to control one's subjects and enemies by the making of laws and the imposition of taxes having retroactive effect was substantially taken away by the 'people' from King John at Runnymede in the year 1215 and was expanded even further by the 'people's' representatives as time went on.

I want to know what is going on here? How come more of us are not speaking out about this? After all, in the event that Bermuda's written Constitutional document does not deal specifically with 'retroactivity', then, it seems to me that the matter for us can be tackled by reference to the British Constitution which, I am pretty certain will uphold the position that the tax above referred to is unconstitutional! What do you think about that?



Be watchful

March 7, 2007

Dear Sir,

Tourist season is soon approaching — so everybody be on guard. We have to protect our tourists (our bread and butter). Taxi drivers, private car drivers, bike riders etc., all be on the look out for suspicious looking characters. If for some reason that you can't check it out at the time — call the Police. It only takes a few minutes. I'm glad I took time out. Example — one evening at 10 p.m. I was on my way home on the South Shore Road in Paget and saw a young female tourist riding on a moped (wobbling, and easy prey) and two men behind her on bikes. They waved me on and I refused to go because I knew what was about to happen. Finally they rode on and I stopped her and told her of the situation which she was unaware of.

I told her to go back to the hotel as fast as she could. I waited a few minutes and then drove on. Around the next two corners, there they were, the two men waiting for her. I felt for sure that I saved her from being raped, murdered or both that night. Wake up Bermuda, we all can save sometimes, whether it be tourists or Bermudians. Check it out, if it looks suspicious, remember it takes one to save one. Special attention: at night time from Front Street to Fairmont and all along Pitts Bay Road, everyone pay attention.


St. George's

BMA should be thankful

March 9, 2007

Dear Sir,

Your headline on page 19 of Wednesday 7th March under the banner "Beef Up BMA Says Greenberg", quoting Mr. Greenberg's comments with regard to the BMA's regulation is long overdue. I worked in insurance and two other related fields that fell under the umbrella of the BMA until two years ago and was often struck by the inconsistencies of the BMA policies as they applied across different sectors. I always got the impression that although some of BMA's personnel were qualified in particular areas, they often strayed well outside their fields of expertise which often led to errors of judgment that were contrary to its stated policies and at times the law governing those policies.

If Mr. Greenberg had made these comments in February 2005 I may well have been working in the industry even though my main criticism of the BMA was related to sectors other than insurance. I suspect that the point Mr. Greenberg made could easily be applied to at least two other industries regulated by the BMA. Mr. Greenberg showed sterling integrity for raising the subject in an open forum which other persons in the industry avoided so as not to offend the BMA. I think the BMA should be thankful that such a seasoned professional saw fit to broach this subject in this manner. His words should be heeded. Bermuda must have the industry standards best, if we are to remain a top class financial centre. I hope that some corrective action would follow from Mr. Greenberg's comments.



Who will Southlands benefit

February 22, 2007

Dear Sir,

The proposed hotel development at "Southlands" stresses that it will be employing Bermudians in the hotel. This raises a number of questions for me: How many Bermudian employees currently work in our hotels and restaurants? I'm sure the total number of Bermudian employees is surprisingly small. Where would any Bermudians get their training? We don't have a hotel college any more due to lack of interest. As far as I'm aware, the jobs in the hotel industry are not attractive to Bermudians; the pay is poor and the hours very unsociable — not exactly the sort of job conditions likely to attract our young Bermudians, particularly given Bermuda's high cost of living. Are we kidding ourselves by believing that the development of this hotel is going to be of any real benefit to Bermudians, other than those already seen in the press to be involved with this project?



A lesson from history

February 27, 2007

Dear Sir,

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent; I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,

I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,

I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me, There was no one left to speak out.

Niemoller, 1946



Using the big stick

February 23, 2007

Dear Sir,

No long diatribe about this issue. Very simply, I say: It's a sad, sad day for Bermuda. The "big stick" has been used. Let's get rid of an Expat by revoking his Work Permit. Why? Because of all things he has been thinking! He has opinions! Mr. Scott, as a public servant you will come across people who may challenge your opinions, your views. That's life. Respect other peoples views and opinions and they may learn to respect yours. Above all Mr Scott, grow up.


Folkestone, Kent, UK

Bigoted and misogynistic

February 23, 2007

Dear Sir,

So Larry Scott is appealing the 30-year sentence for Kingsley Burgess because sex excites the judiciary to more fearsome criticism than murder, drugs or fraud. Rape is not the normal sexual act where one party somehow didn't quite say 'yes'. Rape is a crime of extreme violence and violation — it has nothing to do with sex. It is quite probable that Burgess' victim will be unable to enjoy sex for the rest of her life. I wonder what sentence Larry Scott would want for the perpetrator if he was suddenly emasculated against his will? Mr. Scott must appeal if his client requires it of him, but perhaps he could keep his bigoted and misogynist opinions to himself.

