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Letters to the Editor

Pray against evilJune 3, 2008Dear Sir,

Pray against evil

June 3, 2008

Dear Sir,

Clearly Satan is revealing to us that this world is his.

It's been a while since we've been hearing of wars, violence, and rumours of wars, and we didn't really acknowledge it. Wars have been going on since the beginning of time, tribal wars and so forth. It's just that people are territorial.

Now that it has hit home and we can't seem to understand what has happened to our Island, asking what can we do about the gang wars, violence, confusion and the misunderstanding of our youth. This is not something new under the sun, again it's been going on since the beginning of time. The generations have just taken it to another level.

To answer the question what can we do? Simply just pray … because prayer changes things, God has all this stuff already worked out. Satan comes to rob, kill and destroy this world, and that is clearly what's happening, all these things that are taking place are written that they shall come to pass before this earth shall pass away.

So believers take your place and worship, pray for those who are blind, that they may come into the light.

People, just: Pray Until Something Happens.



Stand up for truth

June 3, 2008

Dear Sir,

Behaviour, taught by example, is the "indelible lesson" learned by children as they develop. Behaving above the law, disrespecting the livelihood and property of others, pathologically blaming others, deceit by concealment, and contempt for the truth, are the seeds of criminal conduct.

Each, individual, Member of Parliament is an 'enabler' of these destructive seeds if they do not stand tall and repudiate loudly and clearly each and every time Truth or Justice is trivialised. Party loyalty is no excuse for complicity. Members are elected to serve the best interests of all Bermudians, not just their party leaders. All Members should trust their leaders, but all Members of Parliament are duty-bound to verify.

To quote Burke: "All it takes for Evil to succeed, is for enough good men and women to stand by and do nothing". The truth will set you free, but may put some in jail.

I care about the future of Bermuda, which is the future of your children. Many are angry. Thank you for letting me share my concerns.


Bermuda and Sarasota, Florida

Truck horror

May 27, 2008

Dear Sir,

I was a witness to an accident this morning at the Collectors Hill traffic lights between a large truck and a bike. The events that unfolded before my eyes concerned me and I would like the public to be aware.

I was standing on the sidewalk in front of the Specialty Inn Restaurant in Smith's Parish this morning at 8:20 a.m. I saw a large tractor trailer truck waiting at the traffic lights. Also stopped in front of the truck were two people on bikes. As the lights turned green, to my horror I saw the truck run into the back of the bike, and a young man yelling, stop the truck, the truck is now moving with a bike and a young man pinned underneath. I quickly ran forward, and yelled to the driver to stop the truck, he just looked at me in a daze, I actually had to scream at the driver and bang on the door, telling him that he has a bike and rider under his truck. When he did stop and got out, he said to me that he is sick and tired of bikes overtaking and stopping in front of his truck, and that he can see nothing in front of him because of the height of the truck. I was stunned by that remark. What are these huge trucks doing on our roads if the driver cannot see anything in front of them, unless it is a great distance ahead? And what kind of test does the Transport Department give to anyone who wants to drive these vehicles. Changes are long overdue in the manner in which trucks are used and better educated drivers.

I have also noted the last few years, trucks on the road with bald tires, licence plates so dirty, it is hard to see all the numbers, excessive speeding and loads of rubble, etc. not covered up. Where are the powers that be.



Why no comment?

May 28, 2008

Dear Sir,

I am shocked at the failure of politicians or media persons to comment on the case of this customs officer as reported in your edition of May 19, 2008. The public is continuously assailed with comments about "the problem with black males", yet when this ambitious young man makes an attempt to challenge the appointment of a non-Bermudian to a post for which he applied his complaint is swept aside contemptuously. I do not know whether or not he had a good case but what is obvious is that he was not given an opportunity to present his case.

As noted in your newspaper "he was able to access very few official documents about his own case from the Government. Former Governor Sir John Vereker had taken the usual step in what the tribunal said "had a chilling effect" issued an order known as a fiat to prevent information being disclosed about how the job was appointed." His lawyer went on to say "the issuing of the fiat by Sir John Vereker was 'extraordinary' in a human rights case. It's never been done before."

The actions of the Governor and all others concerned may have been legal but to me it appears to be a defensive action. All those in the media and political establishment who are so concerned about openness in Government and giving Bermudians every opportunity are hypocritical in not commenting.



Bermuda's Geneva first

June 3, 2008

Dear Sir,

This past week the 35th General Assembly of The Geneva Association was held here in Bermuda. The Geneva Association is a widely respected international organisation composed of the chief executive officers of most of the world's leading insurance companies. Its remit is to investigate the growing global importance of insurance in all sectors of the economy and to help improve the service levels and capabilities of the international insurance industry on behalf of its clients.

This is the first time in history that The Geneva Association has held its annual General Assembly in Bermuda — a very significant step for Bermuda and its growing insurance and reinsurance industry. And from everything I saw and from all reports I received, the Assembly was a tremendous success from every perspective — helping to further enhance Bermuda's reputation as one of the world's leading risk capitals.

So I'd like to take a moment to recognise and congratulate all of those who played a part in organising this important and successful conference. Several of Bermuda's most prominent insurance leaders led this effort, including Mr. Brian O'Hara, Mr. Michael Butt, Mr. Patrick Thiele and Mr. Evan Greenberg. They — and their entire Team — are to be congratulated for their successful efforts.


United States Consul General

An inspiring mother

May 20, 2008

Dear Sir,

Please allow me a little space in our column to commend Bernella Williams on such an excellent job in raising eight boys.

She not only raised her sons, but made them well-rounded and successful males. This obviously is the result of determination, hard work and much prayer.

Mrs. Williams, I just want you to know that you have inspired me, and I'm sure most mothers reading this article will feel the same way.

Again, I applaud you on an excellent job.



Our democracy

June 5, 2008

Dear Sir,

The excuse for using a US PR Company is being taken up by the Premier because he says he is concerned about Bermuda's International Political Image.

The danger of a poor political image is a direct result of a so called democratic government refusing to answer questions put to them, "The Government", by the elected Opposition, who I might add were elected by 47% of the Bermudian voters.

This distasteful illiberal behaviour began "in my opinion" with the housing corporation scandal that has never been openly settled and brought to closure.

Democracy was born out of Liberty "not the other way around", the people's civil liberties are being stifled by the current government "which will prove to be their demise". My fellow Bermudians including those that elected this current Government are not happy. "What will be next"? Will this Government go so far as to shut down the unions because they do not behave the way the Government would like them to?

News flash for the Premier, we live in a democratic age: Over the last century the world has been shaped by one trend above all others — the age of democracy. In 1900 not a single country had what we would today consider a democracy: A government created by elections in which every adult citizen could vote. Today 119 do, comprising 62 percent of all of the countries in the world.

What was once a peculiar practice of a handful of states around the North Atlantic has become the standard form of government for humankind: Monarchies are antique, fascism and communism utterly discredited.

We live in a democratic age in an even broader sense. From its Greek Root "Democracy" means "The Rule of the People".

Before I go much further I must tell you the source of my information. It comes from a book written by Zareed Sakarir titled "The Future of Freedom Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad".

So let's continue to read page 17, Democracy & Liberty.

"Suppose elections are free and fair and those elected are racists, fascists, Separatists" said the American diplomat Richard Holbrooke about Yugoslavia in the 1990s. That is the dilemma, indeed it is and not merely in Yugoslavia's past but in the world's present. Consider, for example, the challenge we face across the Islamic world across the globe, democratically elected regimes, often ones that have been re-elected or reaffirmed through referenda are routinely ignoring constitutional limits on their power and depriving their citizens of basis rights.

My question: are we seeing this disturbing phenomenon in Bermuda in 2008? If the answer is yes, then we can call this illiberal democracy. I say for the people of Bermuda, democracy means "Liberal Democracy". A political system marked not only by free and fair elections but also by the rule of law, a separation of powers, and protection of basic liberties of speech, assembly, religion, property and the constitutional right to ask our government questions. Democracy is flourishing, Liberty is not.

This book can be ordered from The Bermuda Book Store. I encourage all Bermudians to read this book. You may get a clear picture of your future.

