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Commercial League appeals for more teams

The Commercial Cricket League, weakened by the departure of last year's champions Leg Trappers and the expected exit of at least one other club, this week sent out a belated call for new teams to join the fold ahead of the 2003 season due to start next month.

Leg Trappers, who narrowly won the league and were beaten by Jamaican Association in last season's knockout final, have earned a place in the Bermuda Cricket Board's First Division, the first Commercial club to move up since PHC joined the BCB ranks 10 years ago.

To add to Commercial woes, Police Recreation Club are thought unlikely to return this term while there has also been uncertainty over the future of Devonshire Stars but last night club spokesman Raymond Dill scotched rumours the club were pulling out, easing fears the league would have its smallest turnout for 20 years.

Police struggled to complete the 2002 league season and failed to field a team for the knockout. Rumours over Stars' continued participation were fuelled by the news that their captain Derek Smith is returning to Premier cricket.

Unless any new sides emerge ahead of next week's annual meeting, the departure of Leg Trappers, plus the anticipated withdrawal of Police, could mean a six-strong league, the smallest number in seven years. Only five clubs turned out for the 1983 season.

The irony of Leg Trappers' elevation to the BCB has not been lost on Commercial League executives.

Last year national coach Mark Harper invited two Commercial League teams - the 2001 league and knockout champions St. David's as well as a Select XI - to play in the BCB knockout competition, an offer that was snapped up by Commercial officials keen to forge closer links with the Board.

But the plan was subsequently knocked on the head by a majority of BCB clubs who voted to reject any Commercial League involvement in their tournament.

A meeting followed between BCB president Reggie Pearman and Commercial League secretary/treasurer David Carruthers with a view to further involvement but there has been no communication since between the two bodies.

Carruthers, who can be reached at 295-2021, has called the Commercial League AGM for 5.30 p.m. on Monday at the Argus Group building on Wesley Street. All teams are asked to send one representative.