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Christian happy hour labelled a ‘success’

The Island’s first Christian happy hour has been labelled a “success” and will be kicking off next week with an exciting pre-Cup Match celebrationFusion is a series of bi-weekly events for young working professionals with a passion for Christ. Last week’s launch event was described as “warm and embracing” by one attendee and “a great social event with a clear, positive purpose” by another.On Wednesday organisers are planning to host an even bigger and better celebration in honour of the Emancipation Day holiday.‘Fusion Fever: Get Something & Wave’ will feature food and non-alcoholic drinks, including a signature ‘fruit fusion’ drink (a special blend of fruit with a twist), available at special prices. There will be a Somerset versus St George’s DJ battle and people are encouraged to come out to represent their team.Organiser Janita Burke said: “We are pleased with the feedback received and are excited to move forward with the next event.“We are expecting a larger crowd as it is the night before the Cup Match holiday and Harbour Nights will be going on simultaneously.”Fusion is looking for local amateur or professional singers, rappers, poets, comedians, musicians, visual artists and vendors interested in participating in these events to contact them.For more information call 538-2686 or e-mail fusion.events.bda[AT]gmail.com