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Elbow Beach?s restaurants Mickey?s & Lido?s hold up to Florence

The beachside restaurant area at Elbow Beach, which has been hit by previous hurricanes, was not damaged by Florence, officials confirmed last night.

Hotel general manager Frank Stocek said: ?It?s all intact, dry and ready to re-open. Our protective systems all worked.?

After Fabian destroyed the area in 2003, it was rebuilt using reinforced concrete.

Thick metal panels were used to protect Mickey?s from the elements, while material offering protection against gusts of up to 175 mph were used for Lido?s windows.

Mr. Stocek estimated that 30 percent of the hotel?s private beach had been lost yesterday, but said there was still a ?good percentage? left.

There was virtually no damage to the hotel, the general manager added, with just a few windows cracked by high winds.


When romantic anniversary plans were first discussed, a hurricane in Bermuda probably wasn?t top of the agenda for Michael and Anne Kelley.

But that?s what they got yesterday, as Hurricane Florence ended their first year of marriage in memorable style.

The Connecticut couple, in their 50s, celebrated their engagement at The Reefs two years ago.

They were married there in glorious sunshine last September and were hoping for more sizzling temperatures this year.

But Michael, on his 17th visit to The Reefs, said that yesterday?s dangerous weather was not going to spoil his latest trip to Bermuda.

?We?re not going to let a hurricane bother us,? he told .

?It wasn?t that bad,? added Anne, recalling the early morning barrage. ?It was windy and a little bit noisy but that was all.?

The Kelleys were staying at the resort with a group of ten people who between them had visited Bermuda in early September between three and 25 times. The group said they said had experienced plenty of extreme weather in that time.


A story in Monday?s incorrectly said the Wynham hotel had been evacuated for the storm. It was not.


JetBlue is offering passengers who planned to travel to or from Bermuda yesterday the chance to rebook their flights without change fees.

The airline is waiving rebooking charges and the price difference between fares for new flights reserved before tomorrow.

The low-cost airline operates one service in each direction from Bermuda? every day to and from its main hub at New York JFK.

Passengers booked to travel today can contact the carrier on 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583) to check the availability of alternative flights.