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Oops! Bermuda Festival goofs up over governors

They used a picture of former Governor Sir Desmond Langley over the message from the current Queen's representative on the Island, Lord Waddington.

glossy souvenir programme.

They used a picture of former Governor Sir Desmond Langley over the message from the current Queen's representative on the Island, Lord Waddington.

Now print workers will have to stick a picture of Lord Waddington over Sir Desmond's photograph before the hundreds of programmes are distributed.

Chairman Mr. Peter Lloyd said: "If you knew and ran your finger over the photograph you would notice, but otherwise you wouldn't.

"It would be very expensive and very time consuming to take apart the programmes and insert new pages.'' Mr. Lloyd said "a couple of dozen'' of the programmes were distributed before anyone noticed the mistake.

He said: "We are embarrassed -- it is something which shouldn't have happened.'' The mistake -- involving 1500 to 2000 programmes -- is expected to cost several hundred dollars to put right.

Mr. Lloyd said: "Whatever the additional costs involved, we will pay -- we don't expect it to be excessive.'' The error happened when the Festival office sent the wrong photo to graphic artists.

Nobody spotted it was not Lord Waddington until the first copies were delivered to Festival chiefs and sent out.

Mr. Lloyd said that the picture problem was unlikely to delay release of the programmes for the festival, which is due to begin on January 12.

Lord Waddington was last night not available for comment -- but Deputy Governor Peter Willis said the Governor was aware of the mistake.

Mr. Willis added: "The important thing is that it has been noticed and it has been rectified.''