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Lemay early resignation report denied by officials

Reports that the Acting Police Commissioner had handed in his resignation have been quashed by the Deputy Governor.

In a VSB newscast last night, Acting Commissioner Jean Jacques Lemay was said to be leaving the Island in March to concentrate on his career as a Mountie in his native Canada.

But when questioned by The Royal Gazette Deputy Governor Peter Willis dismissed the report as "complete rubbish''.

Mr. Lemay arrived in Bermuda a year ago on an 18 month contract and is not expected to leave until the end of June at the earliest.

He was appointed Acting Commissioner following the shock resignation of Colin Coxall in October. Commissioner Coxall left amid a storm of controversy with six months of his contract still to run.

After being told of the rumour last night, Mr.Willis immediately contacted the Acting Commissioner to see if the news was true.

And he then reported back to The Royal Gazette to confirm that the story was "a mile off''.

Acting Premier Jerome Dill was also surprised when he heard the news on television.

"All I can say is that I know absolutely nothing about it,'' he said.

And when contacted later with the news that the rumour was unfounded he said: "I'm glad to hear it.'' It is believed the rumour could have come from the latest edition of Upbeat, the Police Service's magazine, which stated in an article that Mr. Lemay would stay in the post until March.

Last night Police spokeswoman Evelyn James Barnet said the article was correct, but that did not mean that Mr. Lemay would be leaving the Island.

"Mr. Lemay was appointed Acting Commissioner until March because that's when Mr. Coxall's contract would have ended,'' she said.

"What happens after that is up to the Governor but it could be that Mr. Lemay could go back as Deputy Commissioner.'' STAYING PUT -- Jean Jacques Lemay Graphic file name: COMQUIT