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Racial imbalance cannot be destroyed

August 6, 2012Dear Sir,“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …” Charles Dickens. In this period of our festive “Cup Match” season, we are in what is generally the best of times to be in Bermuda. Food, fun, frolicking. In this time of a hot, rainless, summer laced with political and ethnic differences, it is generally considered what could be the worst of times to be in Bermuda. Over the last year or so we have witnessed the growing rifts between the One Bermuda Alliance and the Progressive Labour Party. Not only with the inner circles of each party, but among the supporters. Traditionally the parties are the political embodiments of our two main ethnic groups. This election cycle has only reminded us of this ongoing civil war.Without going into the comments of Kevin Comeau, I wish to address this political /ethnic divide from a layman’s point of view. Over the last year, many of us have been engaged with online back and forths. OBA vs PLP, whether it be Bernews, Royal Gazette or Facebook. Exchanges of ideals and emotions are rife. At the worst of it, terms indicating downright disrespect are thrown: Sheeple, Kool aid drinkers, blind bats, cog, colt etc. Let us not dwell on the negative. KC and others advocate all forms of government or organisational input and involvement in breaking the cycle of racial imbalance. Yada Yada. To this, I say “bore me less”. Racial imbalance cannot and will not be changed by any organisation nor government. It can be discussed, debated, disagreed and dealt to death. However it cannot be destroyed. In my next letter I will give you some of the answers that elude the extensively educated. Stand strong, family.CHRISTOPHER FAMOUSDevonshire