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Poll finds majority support smoking ban

A majority of Bermudians who took part in a survey are in favour of a ban on smoking in all enclosed public places, including bars, restaurants, and hotels.

A cross-section of Islanders was quizzed on whether or not they would like to see the blanket ban on smoking and also changes to the law to prevent the sale of tobacco products to under 18s and the banning of all cigarette vending machines.

These tough new anti-smoking measures are to be introduced in stages during 2006 having been passed by the House of Assembly and Senators during December. In its quarterly survey of the views the Bermuda Omnibus, a sample survey of 403 residents, found that 85 per cent of residents are either ?strongly or generally? supportive of the smoking ban.

The survey revealed that support is generally consistent across all age groups, although women are more strongly in favour of a ban than men.

According to a report on the findings by Total Marketing & Communications Limited, people under the age of 35 show greater support for the smoking action than those aged 35 to 54, also those with higher incomes are more in favour of outlawing smoking. From January 1 it will be illegal to sell tobacco products to under 18s, or to operate a cigarette vending machine.

The non-smoking in enclosed public places law will take effect from April 1, with the Government intending to allow a six-month period of grace for people to get used to the new regulations before any prosecutions are taken out.