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Time for reflection

Gracious: Premier Alex Scott, supportive of young politicians.

n behalf of the Government, it is my great pleasure to extend to you and your families the warmest of greetings at this Christmas time. As families and friends gather to celebrate Christmas day, we remember all the blessings that fill our lives, beginning with the great blessing that came on a holy night in Bethlehem.

For Christians around the world, the birth of Jesus is a central religious event, an example of God's profound love for humanity, the pathway to hope and to new life.

oday, the Christmas story still speaks to every generation, and even as we celebrate the 'good news,' we pause for reflection ? reflection of the year's tragedies and its triumphs, of our disappointments and of our accomplishments. And through it all, we pray that our greatest reflection will highlight the measure of goodwill we have shown to one another over the year gone by. Indeed, as this year draws to a close, this Government too has paused in a moment of reflection. We have examined the overall quality of service and scrutinised whether those whom you have elected to serve, from both sides of the aisle, individually and collectively, have provided the requisite stewardship on behalf of the people.

As clearly manifested the world over, and we have been no different, there have been inevitable moments of national difficulties, however, we believe we are truly among those nations who have the ability to tackle any difficult situation selflessly and with a clear vision and sense of purpose.

We have managed to maintain a steady course, and in doing so, there has been enormous growth and a deeper understanding and appreciation of the needs of Bermuda's diverse community.

As a result, we end this year as we began; continuing our pledge of unwavering support and dedication to the people of this country.

A key aspect of that pledge has been the unveiling of the Government's Social Agenda. In early 2005, I am sure that the residents of this Country will see great progress in areas of significance - housing, education, seniors care, law and order, economic development and tourism. However, as I have said on many occasions before, there is much work to be done, arduous work that can only be accomplished by committed men and women. We are a country of great strength and enduring spirit, and this Government needs your involvement to get the job done. It is only in unity that we are able to achieve our national goals.

My fellow Bermudians, at Christmas time, every home takes on a special beauty, warmth and a sense of peace.

Today as you celebrate with relatives and friends, take a solemn moment to pray for our dear nation. Let us resolve to put country before self. Let us see ourselves as partners in our country's development, for it is only through hard work that we can succeed. Let us commit to sacrifice on behalf of our fellowmen. We are renewed with every kindness we receive and every kindness that we give, and through these actions, we pay homage to the true meaning of Christmas ? a birth, a gift and a sacrifice for all of humankind.

I encourage you to enjoy this festive season to the fullest. And in the weeks ahead, prepare for another year of hard work that unifies us as a nation and keeps intact the fabric of our society.

My wife Olga joins me along with our children Lawrence, Robyn and Deon, our son-in-law, and our granddaughter Natanya, in extending to each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year.