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Gladys Madeiros, we salute you

No less than two Cabinet Ministers, a roomful of supporters, and the top brass at Bermuda Cablevision gathered at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute to shower one woman in grateful accolades: Gladys Madeiros.

What was the reason for all the well-deserved appreciation? In recognition of her more than 18 years of dedication to Meals on Wheels, Mrs. Madeiros was being awarded the Bermuda Cablevision's Community Service Award.

As appreciative as those at the awards ceremony were, those most grateful to Mrs. Madeiros were unable to be present: the 200-plus seniors and homebound Bermudians who receive a hot meal from Meals on Wheels four times a week.

Arguably, their pets were also grateful: Meals on Wheels also provides treats for the four-legged companions.

As Volunteer Coordinator, a position she took on in 2003, Mrs. Madeiros works magic to ensure that Meals on Wheels has sufficient volunteer staff to churn out the welcomed three-course meals.

Cabinet Ministers Dale Butler and Michael Scott were clearly in awe of her organisational skills, with Mr. Scott describing the service as being run with "military efficiency". As for Mr. Butler: "I salute you, I commend you and your whole organisation," he told Mrs. Madeiros.

Mr. Butler also praised Cablevision for the awards programme, voicing his hope that new Cablevision general manager Jerry Robberson — who Mr. Butler said had "big shoes to fill" — would continue it. "Meals on Wheels is an incredible organisation," Cablevision assistant general manager Alan Smith, who visited the Meals on Wheels headquarters in Paget on Wednesday, said. Volunteers worked "like fire ants ... I have never seen volunteers working together so smoothly".

If only he could invite his dispatchers to observe the efficiency of volunteers working under Mrs. Madeiros, he joked.

Mrs. Madeiros, clearly overwhelmed when she took the podium, thanked the Meals on Wheels staff, her family, and God for all her energy and strength.

Meals on Wheels administrator Tannika Rodrigues made sure the final thanks went to Mrs. Madeiros herself, however: "Meals on Wheels definitely couldn't run without her".