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Cats being poisoned

The pets were found by their owner on his home's doorstep in what appeared to be the latest round of cat killings on the Island.

killer Paraquat.

The pets were found by their owner on his home's doorstep in what appeared to be the latest round of cat killings on the Island.

In September, four cats were apparently poisoned by Paraquat, which was recently banned from being imported onto the Island.

And about four weeks ago, a dog was found dead in Devonshire also after being poisoned.

This week, the owner of the latest victims, who asked not to be named, said he wanted to issue a warning to residents in the Morgan's Road, Harbour Road and Keith Hall Road areas of Bermuda.

The owner, who lives in Morgan's Road, said: "We were heartsick to find our beautiful Calico cat dead on our doorstep, where she had dragged herself to die.

"We immediately rushed her to the vet to be told she had been poisoned.'' He added: "A week later we were awoken with the screeching cries for help from our beautiful black cat, which we took to the vet to be told it had been poisoned.'' Both incidents happened earlier this month.

"For all the neighbours in these areas, be warned. For those who say `it's just cats' - have you ever seen an animal dying that was poisoned. Screeching in pain and agony.'' Veterinarian Dr. Thomas James, who treated one of the cats, said Paraquat damaged an animal's lungs so it died slowly through suffocation.

"It is very distressing for the animal. The poison can act quite slowly and it can be a lingering death.''