Tucker’s Town descendants meet with Minister over hotel plan
Environment Minister Walter Roban has met with descendants of people evicted from Tucker’s Town to discuss the historical significance of Tucker’s Point.Tucker’s Town Historical Society member Denny Richardson said: “From a social and psychological perspective, as direct descendants of the people who were moved from that land, we feel like we are stakeholders, and we would be happy to have this discussion opened to us.“I met with Mr Roban in his office, along with Keith Dubois and Eugene Stovell of the Society, and we found the Minister upfront and amenable to dialogue. He said he would like to arrange a meeting between us and (Tucker’s Point president) Edward Trippe, which I hope will take place soon.“We spoke with the Minister for about 45 minutes. My understanding was that development at Tucker’s Point is not to be an arbitrary process and that we will be a voice to help decide.”Mr Richardson, who is also president of the Leopards Club, said he believed Mr Trippe understood the development of Tucker’s Point as “a highly sensitive issue, and a situation that has become rather tenuous”.Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Task Force (BEST) chairman Stuart Hayward agreed that historical associations in the area deserved consideration.“Families were removed from that area once before in the name of development,” Mr Hayward said.“I think any proposal to develop in a way that encroaches on this special area of open space is something we need to discuss with these facts in mind.”