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The drive and the motivation of a Head Boy and a Head Girl

At the head of the class: Alex Brown (left) and Che-lai Trott have recently been appointed Head Boy and Head Girl at Warwick Academy.

"Acting as role models for students and representing the school to the public" is how Warwick Academy head prefects Alex Brown and Che-lei Trott describe their newly-assumed responsibilities.

The role has changed slightly, explained Alex, who was deputy Head Boy two years ago, when he was in Year 11. Then prefects and head prefects were all chosen from Year 11, prior to the students embarking on the International Baccalaureate programme. For two years now, the head prefects have been selected from among the most senior students in the school, those in Year 13, IB2, while the prefects are still Year 11 students. This has meant that the head prefect role is less a supervisory role than it had been, as being in different year groups has made interaction more difficult.

Now the head prefects represent the school at alumni events, and formal inter-school receptions and take a leading role in formal occasions like Prize Giving.

There were a few rungs to climb to reach the top of the student ladder: first they had to write a letter explaining why they wanted to hold the position of Head Boy or Head Girl, and then attend an interview with Principal Maggie McCorkell and Deputy Principal Anne Coakley as part of the selection process.

So far they have not experienced a noticeable increase in responsibility or work, though they are sure responsibilities will pile on as the school year progresses.

Both 17 years of age, they are coming to the end of their secondary schooling and looking towards tertiary education and career development. Considering a career in "something financial" – actuarial science or accountancy – "hopefully back here in Bermuda," Alex is studying Maths, Physics, Business, English, History and Spanish.

Che-lei, contemplating a career in microbiology, is currently studying Biology, Chemistry, Math, Business, English and Spanish. She enrolled at Warwick Academy in Year 7, having attended Somerset Primary for her primary education. Outside the classroom, she is interested in gardening, music (viola and clarinet) and cooking, "just experimenting with sauces and stuff." Her signature dish is fettucini alfredo, and though GCSE Food and Nutrition classes helped, her primary motivation for trying different dishes is, she claims: "I like to eat."

This interest is not a mere dalliance: she is looking to open her own restaurant while pursuing a career in microbiology.

Alex's interests outside the classroom include music (he plays both clarinet and piano) and swimming. His strongest stroke is the backstroke, and he has swum on the school and national teams, representing Bermuda in overseas meets. He is also interested in travelling and had a jumpstart on most of his fellow students in this regard. Having a father employed overseas with Bank of Bermuda (now HSBC Bank Bermuda), he spent three years in Hong Kong and one year in Luxembourg before entering Warwick Academy in Primary 3.

His latest overseas adventure involved climbing Mount Kilimanjaro this past summer. "It's interesting to see different cultures," Alex explained. " The architecture is pretty interesting too – it's interesting to see the similarities and differences in different countries."

Confident that "just being herself" will carry her through her year of representing Warwick Academy, Che-lei offered the following advice to other young Bermudians: "Do not allow your circumstances to determine your behaviour."