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Monetary Authority calls for return of old money

Over two million Bermudian dollars could be lost down the backs of sofas, in the pockets of old suits or in the bottom of a drawer.

The lost cash is in over 1.3 million coins and over 1.6 million bank notes which went out of circulation almost ten years ago.

The Bermuda Monetary Authority has now asked people to shake out their old $5 and 50 cent coins and $1 bills as time is running out for exchanging them.

In 1990 the two coins and dollar note were removed from circulation and a ten-year period of grace given for Bermudians to exchange them with the authority.

The first of these dates is nearing and from January 1, 2000, the old $5 coin will no longer be changed.

According to the latest figures, there are nearly 10,000 of these coins still in circulation -- valued at $47,585.

The latest figures for the obsolete currency are from 1996. Since then there has been a steady trickle of hand-overs, but it is believed that there has been little change in the overall amounts. The end of April is the last date for both the 50 cent coin and the $1 note to be handed over.

At the last count there were over 1.3 million 50 cent pieces worth $683,022 and $1.667 million dollar bills still in circulation.

"Some people are holding on to them because they are collecting them, others are in foreign countries from visitors travelling and others may be at the bottom of a drawer,'' said BMA manger John Hill.

"Individually the money at the bottom of the drawer may not be much, all together it amounts to a tidy sum.

"And all these people have to do is come in and exchange it for legal tender.'' The BMA is asking for people with the old notes or coins to exchange them at Burnaby House, 26 Burnaby Street in Hamilton during office hours.

"We welcome anyone who wants to do this. It is their right and we are very happy to help them,'' said Mr. Hill.

After January 1 and May 1, the coins and notes will simply be mementos, or one day, if kept long enough, collectors' items.