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Gibbons: ?A racial attack?

Premier Dr. Ewart Brown has been accused of debasing the office of the Premier and Bermudians have been asked to consider if Dr. Brown is the kind of person the country can trust to be the Premier of Bermuda.

Former Opposition Leader Grant Gibbons ? responding to the attack launched against him by Dr. Brown during the Motion to Adjourn on Friday ? described the Premier?s comments as a ?hate speech? and said the ?vitriolic? comments suggest a troubled man who is still trying to settle old scores.

He said: ?Friday night?s disgraceful personal attack by Premier Ewart Brown was one of the most vicious and racially charged speeches I have ever heard in my 12 years in Parliament.?

The Premier attacked Dr. Gibbons after the Opposition MP raised questions on the floor of the House about the fundraising activities of the THE (Tourism Helps Everyone) Foundation, which was set up earlier this year by the Premier?s wife, Wanda, to raise money to support Government tourism projects.

Dr. Gibbons said the Premier had made unsubstantiated accusations against him and then had launched into an ?unhinged racial attack? which was designed to incite, polarise and divide.

?Finally he threatened me physically, suggesting he would cross the floor of the House ? not to vote for the UBP ? but to prevent me from raising unwelcome questions about his and his party?s political activities in the future. Premier Brown?s extraordinary behaviour has debased both the office of the Premier and the House of Assembly. He has brought shame to himself and his country.?

Dr. Gibbons said he would not back down from questioning the Premier about the fundraising activities of the THE Foundation.

?A week ago, I attempted to speak to the principle of foreign donors, who have no connection to Bermuda other than through Government contracts, contributing to the THE Foundation.

?THE Foundation contributions included a $25,000 donation from Mr. and Mrs. Don Coleman; he is chairman and CEO of GlobalHue, a US advertising agency that holds the Bermuda tourism contract.

?Kurron Shares of America ? hired three years ago as a consultant to the hospital and recently referred to by Health Minister Bascome as a ?partner? of KEMH ? donated at least $10,000. FIS Group, which advises the Ministry of Finance on pension fund managers, contributed a similar amount.

?FIS and their CEO, Tina Byles (Poitevien) Williams, were involved in the 2003 pay-to-play scandal when she issued invitations to US pension managers to attend a lunch and contribute to then-Minister Brown?s personal re-election campaign.

Dr. Gibbons said if the money had been donated to the Bermuda Red Cross he would not be concerned.

??But when foreign companies donate directly to Government officials or Government-related events and appear to be rewarded with Government contracts, it raises serious questions of pay to play,? he said.

Dr. Gibbons also raised the point that former Premier Alex Scott had recently warned about ?sweetheart deals? and the dangers of political donors who could ?buy into government? and demand something in return.

?Premier Brown boasted on Friday night that he had access to sources of great wealth in the United States that would ensure that the Progressive Labour Party would remain in power for a long time.

?Every Bermudian should be concerned that their current PLP Government is seeking US-based donors to influence a political process that should remain local,? he said.

Dr. Gibbons said all Bermudians should consider if Dr. Brown is the kind of person who should be leading Bermuda.

?Dr. Brown?s vitriolic comments on Friday night suggest a troubled man who is still trying to settle old scores.

?His behaviour should prompt every Bermudian to think about what kind of person they want and trust to represent Bermuda as Premier.?