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Cricket great laid to rest

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Sheridan Raynor with former Premier Alex Scott at the time of his induction into the Bermuda Sports of Fame.

The great cricketer Sheridan Fred Steede Raynor, eulogised as one of the best Bermuda has ever produced, has been laid to rest. This followed an awesome homegoing service Tuesday,at St. Paul AME Church, Hamilton, lasting over three hours.The service was intended in many aspects to be like a Cup Match, with the recounting of many of Sheridan’s extraordinary leadership qualities and exploits with bat and ball; and in other aspects it was like a Christian revival, amplifying the God-fearing qualities displayed by him both on and off the field of play.Time and space do not permit our going into detail about the many fine tributes paid to the 77-year-old well-rounded sportsman. He was the first child born to businessman Reginald (Reggie) Raynor, a star St George’s Cup Match Cricketer, and his wife, Annie Lowe Raynor. Her family of Lowes blazed a trail back in the day for black golfers in Bermuda.First and foremost were the stirring tributes from various clergy, including his cousin, AME Presiding Elder, Rev Betty Furbert-Woolridge; Rev Pedro Castro, Pastor of Vernon Temple AME Church; and Vernon’s associate pastor, Rev. Leon Jennings, who was the spirited worship leader.Other tributes were forthcoming from Sheridan’s brothers Lee Raynor, himself a most notable cricketer, and Reginald Raynor, the managing director of Raynor’s Rubis Gas Station in Soouthampton; Randy Horton, a former Government Minister of Sports,who starred in many Cup Matches both under Sheridan’s capaincy and later as his captain, speaking on behalf of Somerseet Cricket Club; former MP Reginald Burrows, the first president of Southampton Rangers Sports Club, citing Sheridan’s effort in helping make Rangers Club a mecca for cricket apart from the Cup Match institutions; and Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Stanley Lowe.There were other tributes, from abroad from various icons in international cricket, including the great Sir Gary Sobers; and from his uncle, retired AME Presiding Elder Vernon Lowe, a man of golfing fame before he entered the ministry.Also there were musical tributes from the Harmony Four quartette whose renditions brough many in the congregation to their feet; and also from Sheridan’s cousin, Wanda Raynor; as well as the solo of Pastor Castro.

Some of the chief mourners at Sheridan Raynor?s funeral at St Paul AME Church. From the left close up brothers Reginald Raynor and Lee Raynor with their wives and other kin.