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Lambert joins the BNG board

Edwina Lambert has accepted an invitation to join the Bermuda National Gallery?s Board of Trustees.

Mrs. Lambert, who is a vice president and senior relationship manager of Commercial Banking with the Bank of Bermuda, will serve on the Board?s Development Committee, where she will work closely with development director Gita Blakeney-Saltus in identifying new membership and corporate support for the museum.

The BNG Director?s Circle member said she was ?very excited? to join the board.

?I have been very impressed with the contribution the BNG makes to the various cultures, particularly within the local community,? she said.

?There are not many organisations that are capable of doing so at such a diverse level. Art touches all levels of society.

?I have also been very impressed by the education programme and the fact that about 80 percent of the Island?s schoolchildren visit the museum at least once a year through the participation of their teachers.

?I think that tells you a lot about the programme and the need for our children to be educated about art, especially Bermudian artists, and to learn about art and artists from all over the world which the BNG offers through its exhibitions.?

David L. White, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, said they were delighted to have someone of Mrs. Lambert?s calibre join the board.

?Her 29 years of experience with the bank?s retail and customer relationship operations will be invaluable to us in seeking the financial support the museum needs to maintain its present high standard of operations and continue to grow as Bermuda?s leading art museum,? he said.

Mrs. Lambert?s present responsibilities at the Bank include managing key commercial banking relationships and delivery of client services. Previously, she spent 20 years working in the bank?s retail branch network, including 12 years as branch manager at St. George?s, Church Street and Head Office branches.

She then served as branch network manager before becoming senior commercial loans manager in the Commercial Lending Department.

Mrs. Lambert was educated at the School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin and later at the School of Commercial Lending at Michigan State University.

Mrs. Lambert, who is married with a daughter and stepdaughter, has two grandchildren. She is also a member of the Development Applications Board (DAB), the Financial Assistance Review Board and is on the Board of Trustees of the Bermuda National Literacy Charitable Trust.

Her hope is to utilise her business background to help the BNG.

?I know from my job that customers give us a lot of really useful feedback and we strive hard to cater to the customer?s needs,? she said.

?I think there?s a lot we can explore to increase the ?client base? of the BNG and I look forward to working with them.?