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Port Royal principal named

Primary School when it reopens next month.Mrs. Hamme -- who was educated at the Berkeley Institute, the University of Toledo, the Institute of Legal Executives, the Bermuda College and at Webster University -- will replace acting principal Mrs.

Primary School when it reopens next month.

Mrs. Hamme -- who was educated at the Berkeley Institute, the University of Toledo, the Institute of Legal Executives, the Bermuda College and at Webster University -- will replace acting principal Mrs. Gloria Pearman who retired earlier this year.

A teacher with 16 years experience, Mrs. Hamme earned her Bachelor's degree in Education and a Master of Arts degree in Human Resource Development and Management from Webster.

She began her career at Harrington Sound Primary School in 1979. She went on to teach at Purvis Primary from 1983 to 1986.

Mrs. Hamme spent a year teaching at Gayhurst Junior High School in London as part of a teacher exchange prior to taking up a post at Port Royal from 1987 to 1990.

She then returned to Port Royal in 1991 and remained there until she joined the Department of Education in 1992 as a mentor teacher.