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Hey, children of all ages, the circus is coming!

The circus is coming to town: Under the big tent there will be all sort of amazing acts that promises to excite your senses.

Elephants, tigers, trapeze artists and clowns are coming to town in the Tarzan Zerbini Circus later this month.

The Tarzan Zerbini Circus usually performs to around one million people in over 70 cities between Canada and America a year. They have also travelled to South America, Europe, the Bahamas and Cuba.

TZ Productions General Manager Larry Solheim said: "The Tarzan Zerbini Circus is one of the longest running circus' in the US. The family has been performing in circus' for ten generations and the earliest records date back to 1763.

"Tarzan (Jean) Zerbini does not perform any more, but his daughter still does."

Mr. Zerbini was famous for not using the whip on lions and tigers in the circus, instead using voice commands. He also introduced comedy into the circus acts.

To name a few of the acts the circus will feature Poppy the clown from Cuba, the door way of doom, magic tricks and illusions, ring master is Richard Curtis, the beautiful and elegant Svetlana Gololobovo will be also performing in the high wire sensation and hand balancing acts and there will be cat dancers.

"The performers come from all over the world, from Cuba to Russia," said Mr. Solheim.

Mr. Solheim added: "We will have elephants, exotic cats, dog shows, Monrovian horses and other animals performing under the Italian made tent. There will also be elephant rides for the children and circus concession stands for everyone. The circus features state of the art music and lighting."

Bermudian promoter Devree Hollis of DNA Productions said: "The show will run for approximately two hours and it should be good family fun. The tent holds up to $2,500 people at a time, there is box seating where food is included in the price and other seating available on the outer rings.

"The animals are being transported here from Miami, Florida on the Rosedon, which will berth at Marginal Wharf in Southside. The ship is due to arrive on December 12 or December 13."

The Circus will be held between December 18 and December 21 at Number One at Gate Kindley Field.

The tickets are available from Esso City Auto Market and Clear View Suites and Villas. The prices range from $30 on the outer circle to $100 for box seats in the centre.

A part of the proceeds is being donated to PRIDE and Big Brothers/Big Sisters.