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Thanks again for this opportunity to share my thoughts on this very important issue that is on the minds of the people of Bermuda. As I watched the interview last night like so many others, I was very disturbed. As I watched and listened to Mr. Burch and his comments in reference to the people of Bermuda and the four men. It is amazing to hear him say how the people of Bermuda are a Christian-based people, and rightly so we are.

Pray for Bermuda

June 16, 2009

Dear Sir,

Thanks again for this opportunity to share my thoughts on this very important issue that is on the minds of the people of Bermuda. As I watched the interview last night like so many others, I was very disturbed. As I watched and listened to Mr. Burch and his comments in reference to the people of Bermuda and the four men. It is amazing to hear him say how the people of Bermuda are a Christian-based people, and rightly so we are.

The problem is that we the people are as he said we are, BUT the Government per say is not. And forgive me if it appears that I am judging the Government, but according to the Book of Matthew 7:20 reads "Wherefore by their fruit you shall know them". The actions of the Government (Mr. Brown) is telling us the people that the fruit has gone bad and is now fermenting.

Would you believe that as I opened my "Every Day with Jesus" the topic was "Truth Hurts" read John 16:5-16, in "The Word For Today" the topic was "Rules for handling anger" read from the Book of Ephesians 4:25-32. For further support of God's word I then read in my cover to cover in the Book of 2 Kings 1:3-15 which tells of a wrong doing by a king. Readers I ask you to read it for yourself and prayerfully those of the Government (Christian-minded and Faith-based) will read it and share it with those that are not so Faith-based. It is so strange that the term Christian is so freely used for the convenience of men, but very rarely used in a adoration for God by those same men. But you cannot serve two masters, remember God's Word will never return void, it will always do the work that God proposes it to do in His time.

Men will always think he is getting away with something, but in God's time His word will overcome as good always overcomes evil. As I look back over Mr. Brown's track record there has been some good, but his wrongs override his good and in the Book of James 1 tells it like it is. And again in the Book of 2 Timothy 2 verses 15-20 tells of those that honour God and what happens to those that dishonour God.

Mr. Burch said last night that we do not know the terrorist that killed our young people and as yet the police do not know according to their information. And we sure do not know these people and their capabilities, and as the Book of Luke 12:39 reads as follows "and this know, if the good man of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through". So you see Mr. Burch IF does not cut it and an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure. These people are so honest that they had been imprisoned and the Government that did so does not want them, the Mother country does not want them, but one person supposedly representing the people makes this decision all by himself. Mr. Burch says the people of Bermuda this and that, but we did not have any part in this decision nor did the Governor (the representative) of the Mother country. If Mr. Brown has his way there will be only him in all and above all and God forbid. We must control the spark before it becomes a greater inferno and further out of control. Too many are snoozing and if you snooze you will lose. Remember the story of the hare and the turtle.

People of Bermuda let me tell you something, the leader of this country is telling us "let me tell you all something and the fact is I do not like authority and the only authority is Mr. Brown and that is who in authority is as long as I am in power". You see people the only way a weak person feels strong is having weaker people under him and take a look at those who support him. They cannot see any wrong and if they do they are soon gotten rid of and the record is there and rears its ugly head often. So people I have said it before and I say it again "get your head out of the sand because the part that is showing is the only part your Mr. Brown wants to see, because he kicks and can always say that I did not know who it was that I kicked". So stand up and be accountable after all you are the Government and those appointed by you are there to serve the people with Integrity and All Honesty. If we the people do not stand for the things of God we will fall for anything or anybody that calls itself a God. Remember there are a lot of Gods around, but only one God our Creator. He created us in His own image.

In closing I share this scripture verse with you taken from Romans 1:28 which reads "and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient". Now readers can you read the other three verses yourselves.

God Bless you always and let us continue to pray for our beloved Bermuda and those that govern for only what is done for God will last.



Looking good

June 3, 2009

Dear Sir,

The 400th anniversary of the Islands of Bermuda is upon us and the Town and Parish of St. George is ready and prepared to provide a warm, proud and enthusiastic welcome to visitors and residents alike.

The Towne is looking splendid – all trash is being removed daily, the byways have been cleared of overgrowth, the infrastructure repaired and painted, potholes are a thing of the past, one-way road signs are displayed and point in the right direction, fresh banners are displayed in the Square, derelict buildings have been demolished, the drug trading and prostitutes have disappeared, gang fights are no more, the shops are all open and thriving, York Street has been re-paved just as Minister Burgess promised, the Police Station is open twenty four hours a day and the Police presence is evident and willing to assist. All is paradise. Yeah!


St. George's

Visitors impressed

June 22, 2009

Dear Sir,

In April, we spent a birthday holiday at Elbow Beach Resort and touring the Island of Bermuda. It was the most restful, pleasant vacation that my husband and I have enjoyed together.

The Island is beautiful, and the people were graciously hospitable.

Our most memorable moments may have come on the buses. When women or elderly patrons stepped onto the bus, children and teenagers relinquished their seats without hesitation. These kinds of courtesies were the norm and make your homeland stand out.

Thank you for hosting us,