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PwC invites students’ parents to learn about careers in firm

PwC Bermuda CEO Darren Johnston

PwC Bermuda will stage a reception next week for parents of college or university students to highlight the benefits of a career in professional services.

The parents can connect with PwC professionals and learn about the opportunities available through the firm’s HeadStart programme.

The event will explain to parents the hands-on work experience, coaching and mentoring support PwC offers students to help them achieve their goals through HeadStart. Speaking at the reception is Darren Johnston, CEO, PwC Bermuda. The PwC Bermuda Parent Reception will take place on Monday, November 18 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm at Harley’s at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess.

“HeadStart helps to give Bermuda’s future young professionals the exposure and experience they will need to excel in the professional services job market,” Mr Johnston said.

“It also helps students develop a set of core competencies that will assist them to succeed in the personal lives, such as relationship-building, sharing and collaborating with colleagues, communication, self-development, open-mindedness, and integrity.”

David Gibbons, director, PwC Bermuda, said: “With the shrinking global job market it is vitally important for young people to make contact with potential employers as early as possible and fully understand the opportunities available to them. Only with this information can they truly make decisions — both educational and personal — that could potentially affect the rest of their lives.

“Parents as trusted advisers to their children should make use of every possible opportunity to get the best information to be conveyed to them.”

The programme consists of full-time associate and summer internship employment, as well as the annual Peter Mitchell Scholarship award.

Parents who would like to attend the reception may contact Risa Hunter at 295-2000, extension 7422, or e-mail pwcbermuda.student@bm.pwc.com by the morning of the November 18 to reserve space. Find out more about HeadStart at http://www.pwc.com/bm/en/careers/headstart/overview.jhtml