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Crime and economy key planks in first OBA Throne Speech

Governor George Fergusson

More police tackling gun crime and the help of the private sector to turn around Bermuda’s financial woes were key planks in the One Bermuda Alliance’s first Throne Speech today.A ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation and age was also pledged, along with measures to deal with the soaring numbers on Financial Assistance.Companies hiring Bermudians and retired Government employees were among those to receive good news as Governor George Fergusson read the Speech on Cabinet grounds this morning.The OBA gave further details on its plan to reduce Bermuda’s debt and increase investment, beginning with a two-year payroll tax exemption for firms which hire new Bermudians.Meanwhile an Economic Development Committee will aim to eliminate the red tape Finance Minister Bob Richards has long complained is to blame for slowing down development projects which could revitalise the economy.Acting on its concern at the scale of public debt, Government will set up a Public Debt Advisory Board, featuring members of the private sector to provide independent advice on existing and borrowing requirements.And the new Ministry of Economic Development has already teamed up with the private sector to form the Bermuda Business Development Corporation, which will function as the principal marketing and business development body for international business.A review of the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation will take place, while legislation will be amended to encourage more private equity, asset management and trust businesses.On crime, Government will fund a Recruit Foundation Course in the coming fiscal year, aimed at adding 20 more police officers to the fight against guns, gangs, drugs and violence.It will support a strong recruitment drive for the Bermuda Reserve Police, team up with Crime Stoppers for a Gun Bounty Programme offering cash awards for information leading to the confiscation of weapons, and implement a Neighbourhood Watch scheme giving residents phone alerts about public safety.Cash confiscated from crime will be diverted to sports and community projects.Meanwhile a specialised court for the mentally ill is one of a string of proposed measures aimed at addressing the pattern of repeat mentally ill offenders.There was great relief for campaigners when Mr Fergusson announced sexual orientation and age will be added to the list of protected grounds under the Human Rights Act.“There is no place for discrimination in Bermuda in any form,” he said, prompting the biggest cheer of the morning from the audience.Addressing concerns over the increasing number of people on Financial Assistance, Government announced its intention for mandatory life skills programmes for some on benefits, such as money management and parenting.A Financial Assistance social worker will be able to refer clients to Bermuda Assessment and Referral Centre, while unemployed able-bodied people will be required to take part in community service to continue claiming Financial Assistance for a period of longer than three months.Breaks for seniors included a pledge for a biennial review to ensure rates of pensions for retired Government employees keep up with the cost of living, and a promise to put all FutureCare clients on the same premium.A host of controversial Progressive Labour Party policies were reversed, with the OBA saying it will set aside land licences for Bermudians married to non-Bermudians.Taxi drivers’ perennial bugbear, compulsory GPS, will become optional, while a new developer will be selected for the former Club Med site in St George’s, following years of uncertainty over the plans of Carl Bazarian.But following up on its previous announcement to abolish term limits, Government warned it will increase penalties on employers who breach immigration rules.To attempt to turn around Tourism, Government will set up a Product Development Bureau to increase public input, while prioritising the training of Bermudians for positions in the hospitality industry.And on education, talks have already begun on the idea of extending the school day, with a better quality of teaching sought by raising the qualification standards.The OBA will carry through a long-held pledge by subjecting its own MPs to random mandatory drug testing; Opposition members will be invited to participate.And plans for a new National Park in Southlands, Warwick, could finally come to fruition as public consultation was pledged.Highlights from the Throne Speech:* local employers will be given a two-year payroll tax exemption for new Bermudian hiring* the newly formed Economic Development Committee will reduce red tape and time to get approvals for large development projects from the planning stage to the job-creation stage.* A Public Debt Advisory Board with members from the private sector will provide strategic advice to the Minister of Finance on existing and future borrowing requirements.* Tax-related legislation will be amended to improve the collection of Government taxes.* Rates of pensions paid for retired Government employees will be reviewed every two years to ensure they keep up with the cost of living.* The Bermuda Business Development Corporation — a partnership of the Ministry of Economic Development and the private sector — will function as the principal marketing and business development body for international business.* The operation of the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation will be reviewed to ensure that it provides effective support and guidance to its clients and that the Economic Development Zones are delivering value.* Private equity, asset management and trust businesses will be encouraged through amendments to the Companies Act 1981.* Increased penalties will be imposed on employers who breach immigration rules.* Government will set aside the land licence requirement for the purchase of additional dwellings for married couples that include a Bermudian and a non-Bermudian spouse.* A Product Development Bureau will be launched to get public input to help the Department of Tourism prioritise the training of Bermudians for positions in the hospitality industry.* A Transition Task Force will be set up to see through changes associated with installing a Tourism Authority.* The Park Hyatt Resort (St. George’s) Act 2008 will be repealed and a new developer selected for the former Club Med site in St George’s.* GPS in taxis will become optional.* Government hopes to find ways to make ferry services more reliable in bad weather.* A Cash Back for Communities programme will see cash confiscated by police directed to sports clubs and community organisations.* Government MPs will be subject to random mandatory drug testing and Opposition members invited to participate.* A Neighbourhood Watch 2.0 scheme will notify residents via voice call and text message with public safety alerts.* Citizens will get cash awards for information leading to the confiscation of weapons, under a Gun Bounty Programme involving CrimeStoppers.* 20 more police officers will be added to the fight against guns, gangs, drugs and violence through a Government funded Recruit Foundation Course in 2013/14.* Government will support a strong recruitment drive for the Bermuda Reserve Police.* Government will assess the feasibility of a specialised court for the mentally ill.* Amendments to the Legal Aid Act will aim to restrict the cost of legal aid.* The Career Pathways Programme will be expanded to provide new ladders of opportunity into the technical, culinary, hospitality and financial services sectors.* Consultation has already begun on an extended school day.* The bar will be raised on teaching qualifications in all areas.* Government will take steps to seniors on FutureCare pay the same premium.* Legislation of care homes will be brought into line with international standards.* The prescribing of prescription generic drugs will be mandated unless a physician requests otherwise.* The Human Rights Act will be amended to include sexual orientation and age.* Shared Parenting Orders will be included in the Children Act 1998.* Some residents on Financial Assistance will be required to undergo life skills programmes such as money management and parenting skills courses; some will be referred for drug treatment.* Unemployed, able-bodied people must participate in community service activities as a condition of continued eligibility for financial assistance.* Government will determine changes needed to improve the time taken to obtain a planning decision and to ensure an efficient and customer-friendly Planning regime.* Legislation surrounding Special Development Orders will be tightened up.* Public consultation will take place to create a Southlands National Park in Warwick.* Street lighting will be reviewed and ten kilometres of roads resurfaced each year.* A review of the Causeway will take place to assess how safety can be improved.