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...while organisers call for more volunteers

More volunteers are needed for Bermuda Connections Homecoming - which will see the restaging of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival .

The programme will showcase more than 200 participants who will display their involvement in Bermuda's arts and customs of land and sea, including limestone house building, gardening, boat restoring, various crafts and music and dancing.

Stacey Madeiros Cooke, volunteer coordinator for the event, said: "We need volunteers for all of the tents, including Arts of the Sea, Arts of the Land, Crafts, Portuguese traditions, and the Hospitality Tent.

"The volunteers will do everything from helping to re-supply participants with necessary materials, which could be anything from tissue paper to wood, to paw paws, to assisting in the chef's kitchen.

"We also require floaters, folks who will literally float throughout all of the tents and displays to help when and where needed.

"An event such as this one, takes a huge amount of people power to run successfully. In terms of numbers, we need at least 30 to 40 volunteers each day. We plan to have an on-site orientation on Monday (April 15) at the Botanical Gardens."

Anyone interested in taking part in the festival should call Ms Madeiros Cooke on 292-2260, or bermudavolunteershotmail.com.