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Irish Freemasons mark grand milestone

Irish Provincial Grand Lodge Installation held at Masonic Hall (photo by Glenn Tucker).Front row.  Left to right.in big picture showR. W. Bro. Gerard Bean  PPGM, R. W. Bro. Travis Gilbert, Grand Superintendent of  Scottish Lodges in Bermuda, St. Clair “Brinky “ Tucker, Provincial Grand Master of Irish Lodges in Bermuda, R. W. Bro. Robert Rego, District Grand Master of all English Lodge in Bermuda, R. W. Bro. Richard Todd  Provincial  Deputy Grand Master of Irish Lodges in Bermuda.Past Deputy Grand Masters have included the present Deputy Richard L. Todd, Derek Selby and Keith White. Second row.  Left to right.V. W. Robert Ball, V. W. Bro. Allen Richardson, V. W. Bro. Ernest Dill, W. Bro. Randolph Wilkinson, V. W. Bro. Norman Pogson. Third row.  Left to right.V. W. Bro. Elroy Ratteray, W. Bro. Llewellyn Trott, W. Bro. Terry Greene, W. Bro. Reuben Burnett, W. Bro. Reginald Rawlins, W. Bro. Desmond DeShield Back row.   Left to rightV. W. Bro. Bernard DeShield, W. Bro. Coulbert Bean, W. Bro. Cal Dill, V. W. Bro. Michael Smith, W. Bro. Clifford Roberts, W. Bro. Clinton Curtis, V. W. Bro. Victor Fishingto--photo by Bro. Glenn Tucker

Irish Freemasons in Bermuda went all out last week, celebrating in an absolutely grand way the 25th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bermuda.

Ordinarily the Irish are noted for their close attention to and practice of Masonic ritual. For this important milestone they were super, flawless, with their Right Wor Provincial Grand Master St Clair B Tucker sharper than ever setting the pace installing his officers for the year 2014.

Bro Tucker has been the Provincial Grand Master for 12 years out of the 25 years. He is highly esteemed for knowledge of his ritual, like the back of his hand, and the genial, but authoritative manner that he commands application. He has travelled thousands of miles representing Bermuda overseas, many to the Grand Lodge in Dublin, Ireland. This past year alone he disclosed, he attended 70 meetings in Bermuda and overseas. On many he has been accompanied by his wife Lynn, who plays her part well on the social side. Meetings could be for rehearsals, installations, dinners and other business at any of the four lodges making up the Bermuda Province.

More that 80 persons attended the banquet for the 25th. Responsibility for hosting the banquet fell to the Master and Brethren of Abercorn Lodge No 123. At the end of the night in the Freemasons’ Hall, Hamilton, Abercorn was hailed for what some called a ‘five star dinner’ with all the attendant libations.

A major highlight of the evening was a chronology of the history of Irish Freemasonry in Bermuda given by the VW Provincial Grand Secretary Victor LK Fishington. It reflected the meticulous research he and his team had undertaken, going back to the year 1783 when Irish Freemasonryis reputed to exist in Bermuda.

The chronology led up to 1989 with the formation of Friendship and Harmony Lodge No 894 becoming the fourth practicing Irish Lodge in the Island. Their formation enabled Bermuda to meet the requirements for the formation of an Irish Province, which of course became known as the Provincial Grand Lodge of Bermuda (IC).

Other Lodges making up the Province are Hannibal Lodge constituted March 22, 1867; Abercorn consecrated November 9, 1908; and Bermuda Garrison Lodge No 580 warranted in March 1924.

RW Bro (Doctor) Clarence E James, a Past Grand Inspector (1986-89) became the first Provincial Grand Master of what was called “Home Constitutions” of the Masonic Lodges in Bermuda. However, the English and Scottish Constitutions still retain the title and rank of “Inspectorships”.

On January 21, 1989 the Provincial was consecrated. The ceremony was conducted by RW Major George M Malone, Deputy Grand Master of Ireland flew from Dublin High rankig Masonic leaders from Jamaica and the Bahamas came to Bermuda for the grand event. They were joined by representatives of the 11 English and Scottish Masonic Lodges in Bermuda and Grand Lodge representatives from, the State of New York, New Jersey, Bahamas and Turks Island.

Dr James became the first Provincial Grand Master, with Dr Gerard W Bean the Prov Deputy. In all there have been three Provincials besides Bro Tucker. They were Dr James, Dr Bean and RW Bro Ralph Seligman of the Bahamas.

Grand Inspectors have included William Newbold Talbot, Thomas Martin Du Bois Godet, George Arthur DeShiels and Lawrence Clarke.