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UBP scoffs at Govt. housing pledge

The Opposition United Bermuda Party (UBP) this week heaped scorn on the ruling party's promise to build more houses to address the affordable housing shortage.

"My question is where have they been for the last five years?" said party chairman Wayne Furbert.

Housing Minister David Burch this week announced a major building programme to address the shortage of affordable housing.

He denied that the move had anything to do with the coming election, saying "countless discussions" had already taken place on the programme which would address the magnitude of the problem.

"Prior to the last election, we had a clear plan to build 100 homes in 1998 at the rate of $150 per square foot, and renovate 200 others," Mr. Furbert said. "What the people of Bermuda received from the PLP government was an empty promise to `alleviate' the current affordable housing shortage. What has the Smith Government produced? A few houses, some costing $400 a square foot, a Bermuda Housing Corporation full of corruption, broken promises and shattered dreams."

He reminded this paper that the UBP had promised to build 100 new homes, clean up the Housing Corporation and come up with a long term housing strategy if elected.

"This election is more than about building houses. It is about credibility, accountability and responsibility. We have a proven track record that shows that we can build and provide affordable housing, and we will deliver again in the future."