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Shelter to stay open for New Year

Salvation Army shelter will not be booted out on New Year's Day.On Christmas Day residents were asked to vacate the premises in the rain after staff forgot about a rule which lets them stay on public holidays.

Salvation Army shelter will not be booted out on New Year's Day.

On Christmas Day residents were asked to vacate the premises in the rain after staff forgot about a rule which lets them stay on public holidays.

According to one source Police were called during the disturbance after about 18 people were forced out shortly before 9 a.m., although Maj. Hale says only about three or four were evicted.

Residents were allowed to return for lunch but many boycotted it in protest at their treatment.

One man who uses the shelter in Parsons Road said staff had failed to give proper assurances that the same thing will not happen again on Monday.

But last night Maj. Hale said: "There is no need to be concerned. I have already given notices to the management. I gave this by letter.'' STUDENT BANNED CTS Student banned A 23-year-old university student told Acting Magistrate Tyrone Chin the brass knuckles Police found in his coat belonged to his girlfriend.

In Magistrate's Court yesterday Valter Pereira, a student at Bristol College in Boston, pleaded guilty to possessing a brass knuckle set and also drink driving on the evening of December 9.

But he blamed his girlfriend for putting the weapon in his pocket.

Police stopped the couple after spotting Pereira's girlfriend riding on the back of the bike without a helmet.

When Police spoke to Pereira, of Colony Valley, Southampton, they noticed his slurred speech and red eyes. When he was arrested and searched, Police found a set of brass knuckles.

A subsequent breath analyser test revealed Pereira's alcohol/blood level was 37 milligrams above the legal limit.

Acting Magistrate Chin fined Pereira $400 for possessing a prohibited weapon, $750 for drink driving and also disqualified him from driving for 12 months.

RESTAURANT PLANNED LIQ Restaurant planned Restaurateur Odilio Angeli has applied to the Liquor Licensing Authority to open a new Italian style restaurant in the former Halfway House in Flatts.

The new restaurant will be called Rustico's and is slated to open soon after the Authority gives its seal of approval.

A hearing was scheduled for yesterday in Magistrates' Court but an assessment by Police was not available and the hearing has been rescheduled.