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Police are investigating an alleged sexual assault of a minor that reportedly occurred over the Easter weekend.Police would not confirm the age of the girl but did disclose that three men are in custody assisting with inquiries into the incident.Residents warned about rise in bike theft

Police investigate alleged sexual assault

Police are investigating an alleged sexual assault of a minor that reportedly occurred over the Easter weekend.

Police would not confirm the age of the girl but did disclose that three men are in custody assisting with inquiries into the incident.

Residents warned about rise in bike theft

Police are warning residents that there has been a rise in cycle thefts. They say too many people are leaving their bikes unlocked outside of their homes and are recommending the use of standard locks which come with the cycle and a supplementary one for added protection. It is also important to U-mark cycles, which is a service provided by the Police.

Man exposes himself to woman

A woman nearly collided with a wall on the corner of Tee Street and Berry Hill Road when a man exposed himself to her on Tuesday afternoon. The woman told Police that as she turned on to Berry Hill Road a man dropped his pants to his knees.

She described the man as having yellow skin, approximately 5 feet 9 inches to 5 feet 10 inches tall with curly hair that is long in the back, a moustache with additional facial hair and wearing a dark blue track suit.

Digital video camera stolen

A JVC digital video camera was stolen from a Knapton Crescent, Smith's Parish, home on Tuesday night.

The residents said they left their home at 8.15 p.m. only to return later to find that someone had gained entry to their home.

Painter slapped woman during argument

A man was fined $750 in Magistrates' Court yesterday after he slapped a woman when she refused to pay him for painting her house. Dennis Davis, 47, of no fixed abode, instructed Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves to "lock him up" because he would not pay the fine.

Davis pleaded guilty to unlawfully assaulting Sharon Dawson on April 13 after she refused to pay him for a paint job.

The court learned that on March 26 Davis was hired to paint the house and on March 29 he received a downpayment.

But the homeowner was dissatisfied with Davis' work. When she refused to pay, Davis went to her office and an argument ensued. Davis slapped the woman in her face that caused bruising and swelling.

He told her: "I need my f**king money, you can't do this to me."

In court yesterday, an unidentified man told Mr. Greaves that Davis had done a poor paint job. He left paint splattered on the windows and ground. He explained that Davis only spent approximately 16 hours on the large house. He added that in the end another painter had been hired for the job and was currently repainting the house.

Davis said: "They wanted a cheap job so I gave them a cheap job."

He added that he quoted them $2,000 for a job that should have cost $6,000. Mr. Greaves said that because the homeowners had to hire a new painter they were not attempting to rip off Davis.

Money stolen from doctor's office

An undisclosed amount of money was stolen from a Berry Hill Road, Paget, doctor's office on Tuesday morning.

The complainant told Police that she went to her workplace at 7.45 a.m. and noticed that someone had gained entry to the building and made an untidy search.