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No jail time for mother harasser

A 33-year-old who harassed his mother and smashed up her bike and house narrowly avoided a jail sentence yesterday in Magistrates' Court.

Troy Robinson, a father of one with no fixed abode, insisted that his mother's house on Anchorage Lane was where he lived.

But Crown counsel Wayne Caines said Robinson did not live there and charged Robinson with two counts of wilful damage, one count of behaving in a threatening manner and trespassing.

Robinson pleaded guilty to the charges, stemming from an incident on Wednesday when he woke his mother up by banging on her door.

She refused to let him in and Robinson proceeded to bash a window blind, causing $139 worth of damage.

He also smashed the rear light of her black Suzuki motorbike. When his mother left the house to collect the pieces of her blind and bike, Robinson entered the home.

Acting Senior Magistrate Edward King sentenced Robinson to two months imprisonment for wilful damage of the blind, one month consecutive for wilful damage of the bike, one month concurrent for threatening behaviour and one month concurrent for trespassing.

All the sentences were suspended for two years. If he is convicted of another crime within two years, the Magistrate can activate his jail term.

Robinson will face trial next week for allegedly stealing a motorbike last year.