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The two Pembroke men charged with murdering Reginald Wilson were further remanded in custody yesterday.

Damion Wayne Smith, 22, and Sean Charles Smith, 24, both of North Shore Road, must reappear at Magistrates' Court on October 17.

Mr. Wilson, 44, was found floating in the sea off North Shore on February 22.

TRAVEL DOCUMENTS GRABBED BY THIEF CRM Travel documents grabbed by thief Police are appealing for witnesses to a daylight handbag snatch that left an American couple without travel documents just hours before they were to leave the Island.

The snatch occurred about 11 a.m. on Sunday as the couple were walking along Pitts Bay Road -- one of the main target areas of snatchers.

Police said a man on a motorcycle drove up behind the couple and grabbed their handbag which also contained credit cards and a small amount of cash.

He was described as light-skinned, of medium height wearing a light grey top, light brown trousers and with a white cycle helmet. He is believed to be in his late teens or early twenties. His bike was described as a gold-coloured, step thru motorcycle.

Witnesses can call Police at 295-0011.

CASE OF NERVES BETRAYED HIM CTS Case of nerves betrayed him Seventeen-year-old Coleridge Wayne Fubler's nerves betrayed him when Police approached him in the street.

Suspicious at his fidgeting, they searched him and found a small amount of cannabis.

Yesterday Fubler, of Morgan Road, Warwick, was fined $100 after he admitted possessing the drug.

Prosecutor Insp. Peter Duffy said officers approached Fubler in Ord Road, Warwick, on April 15.

"He became very nervous and began fidgeting in his pockets,'' added Insp.


Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis warned Fubler to mend his ways before it was too late.

"I hope you catch yourself on the slippery slope before you fall too far down.'' MAN IN HOSPITAL AFTER PUNCH-UP CRM Man in hospital after punch-up A 31-year-old Hamilton man was in satisfactory condition in Hospital last night following a fight on Sunday in which he was reported to have suffered serious head, face and leg injuries.

Police yesterday said the fight occurred about 7.30 p.m. in Ducks Puddle area of Hamilton Parish.

They said an investigation into the incident was underway.

A Hospital spokesman yesterday said the man was resting in a general ward.

THIEF MAKES OFF WITH WATCHES CRM Thief makes off with watches A thief made off with ten wrist watches from a St. George's shop on Saturday.

Police said the Charmex waterproof watches were stolen by a customer from a shop display during afternoon shop hours.

They described the watches with gold and silver coloured bands with maroon, green, white, black and blue faces.

Police also reported a Friday night theft in St. George's in which thieves broke into a restaurant and removed cash from an office together with about 30 cartons of cigarettes.

BERMUDA BOOKS ARE REPRINTED BKS Bermuda books are reprinted Two popular books on aspects of Bermuda's history have been reprinted in paperback.

The first book, "Rattle and Shake,'' is in its third edition. It charts the history of the Bermuda Railway.

It is the first Bermuda book to be selected by the Royal Society for the Blind to be printed in braille.

The second book entitled "Sir George Somers'' chronicles the adventures of the man who founded Bermuda in 1609.

Both are by author Mr. David Raine.