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It is with huge sadness that I heard of the passing of Mary Jane Coelho after a period of extended ill health and our thoughts and prayers are with her family with whom she was so close. Mary Jane was a fixture at the Club for many years and was a fine player with many titles to her credit . She was a strong personality who was tough at the table, but had a great sense of humour and fun and even though she has not been a regular of late, will be hugely missed by her friends and her fellow bridge players.Also, away from Bermuda Jaime Ortiz Patino , a fine player and the man who in many ways was the making of the World Bridge Federation passed away at the age of 83 …he visited Bermuda more than once , including during the 2000 Orbis Bermuda Bowl championship and I had the pleasure of playing with him and also at the Golf Club he owned and took to world prominence , Valderrama in Spain which hosted the Ryder Cup.May they both rest in peace.This week’s hand is a perfect example of looking for problems when all looks perfect, and once you find the problem taking steps to cope with it.Game All. Dealer SouthC 1086H Q6D Q10764S 964C 4 C 532H 8754 H KJ932D AK83 D J952S J952 S3C AKQJ97H A10D NoneS AKQ75South opened a strong 2 Clubs , North bid a negative 2diamonds and after South bid 2 Spades North jumped to four spades showing a bad hand…..South , understandably then tried the Spade SlamWest led the ace of diamonds and, after dummy wentdown, declarer paused to consider his options.Obviously, there were twelve easy tricks if the clubswere 3-2. There would not be a problem if clubs were4-1 and the trumps were 2-2 for, after drawing trumps,he would be able to ruff a club and make a long clubas a trick. Declarer saw that difficulties would arise ifclubs were 4-1 and the player with the singleton hadthree trumps. He saw that little could be done if Westhad that layout but there was still a chance it wereEast who began with the tricky black-suit layout.Declarer’s first move was to ruff the diamond leadwith the ace of trumps and cash the ace of clubs. Nexthe crossed to dummy by leading the seven of trumpsto the eight. On a club from dummy, East was caughtin a dilemma. If he ruffed, the club suit would be good;declarer would then be able to draw trumps, run hisclub winners, throwing a heart from table, and makehis twelfth trick by ruffing a heart in dummy.At the table, East discarded a heart on the secondround of clubs and declarer won the trick with theking of clubs. Then he returned to dummy with theten of trumps and led dummy’s last club. Again Eastdecided to discard and the queen of clubs won thetrick. After ruffing the five of clubs in dummy, declarerthen ruffed a diamond back to hand, drew trumpsand claimed twelve tricks six trumps, a heart, fourclubs and a club ruff.Well thought out and beautifully played !!