Strong show of interest in Bridge
A hugely successful LBIAD (Learn Bridge in a Day) session was held by Patty Tucker at the Bridge Club last weekend with an astonishing 51 people showing up to hear about this great game. As a result of the LBIAD 35 people have signed up for Judy Bussell’s Beginner’s Lessons starting this weekend at the Club, all of which bodes really well for membership and attendance.
It goes without saying that none of this happens without a ton of behind the scenes work by the Board and volunteers at the Club and they need to be congratulated – there is a great energy and drive from those who are involved at the Bermuda Bridge Club right now, and they are not only improving what is happening right now but are laying the foundations for a really successful future.
I think the LBIAD initiative is a great one and should be repeated frequently if follow up lessons are then available.
This week’s hand has a familiar theme to it so try and work it out if I give you the hint – choose the right time to give a trick to the non-danger opponent.
Dealer East E/W Vulnerable
(Spades / Hearts / Diamonds / Clubs)
North: A1053 / J5 / A9873 / 93
South: KQJ98642 / Q / Q6/ K2
The Bidding:
- / - / Pass / 4S
Pass / Pass / Pass / -
Notice that East-West can make either 6 Hearts or 6 Clubs – the pre-empt and the vulnerability makes it tough but perhaps one of them could have been a bit braver?
West leads the Ace of Hearts and then switches to the 2 of Diamonds – how do you approach the play? Think a bit and then read on!
You can play low hoping that West has led away from the King, and if he has all your troubles are over. Even if he hasn’t and East wins, perhaps East has the Club Ace and once again you are safe … all in all, not a bad choice.
Alas, here is the full hand:
(Spades / Hearts / Diamonds / Clubs)
North: A1053 / J5 / A9873 / 93
East: None / 1087643 / KJ/ Q10875
South: KQJ98642 / Q / Q6/ K2
West: 7 / AK92 / 10542 / AJ64
If you play low East wins and shoots through a Club – down one.
There is a much better line. West almost certainly has the Heart King so declarer should look to setting up a long Diamond without giving East the lead – win the Diamond Ace and play the Heart Jack throwing the Diamond Queen.
West now does best to lead his trump – declarer won with dummy’s 10, carefully playing the 6 from her hand. Now she ruffed a Diamond high, led the trump 2 to dummy’s 3 to ruff another Diamond high, led the trump 4 to dummy’s 5 to ruff another Diamond high and that set up the long Diamond. All that remained now was for declarer to cross to dummy with the trump Ace and discard a club on the good diamond. Really well played.
If diamonds had broken 5-1 declarer would still have the contract made if East has the Ace of Clubs.
Take a really good look at this hand – loser on loser plays come up often and are really useful.
The latest Bermuda Bridge Club results compiled by Julia Lunn.
Monday, Sep 1
1 Sancia Garrison-Julia Beach
2 Russ & Dee Craft
3 Pat & Barb Cerra
1 Wendy & Richard Gray
2 Diana Diel-Pat Siddle
3 Sall Godet-Lorna Anderson
1 Gertie Barker-Alan Douglas
2/3 Lorna Anderson-George Correia
2/3 Richard & Wendy Gray
Tuesday, Sep 2
1 Mary Leigh Burnett-Elizabeth Caulfield
2 Keith Smith-Michael Antar
1 Judy & Jerry Fitzpatrick
2 Elma Anfossi-Joy Lusher
Wed, Sep 3
1 Julia Beach-Russ Craft
2 Richard & Wendy Gray
3 Molly Butterworth-Lyn O’Neill
1 Magda Farag-Sheena Rayner
2 Diana Diel-Pat Siddle
3 Julia Lunn-Annabelle Mann
Thursday, Sep 4
Less than 300
1 Rosie Smith-Felicity Lunn
2 Pat Cerra-Susan Adhemar
3 Andy Carne-Mary Leigh Burnett
1 Rachael Gosling-Elizabeth McKee
2 Russ & Dee Craft
3 Marilynn & Delmont Simmons
Monday, Sep 8
1 Barbara Mulder-Gwen Christensen
2 Julia Lunn-Pat Riding
3 Richard & Wendy Gray
1 Jane Clipper-Nea Willits
2 Caroline Svensen-Beverly Connell
3 Heather Woolf-Annelies Scheland
Tuesday, Sep 9
1 Louise Payne-Marion Ezedinma
2 Margaret Kirk-Felicity Lunn
3 Mary Leigh Burnett-Elizabeth Caulfield
East -West
1 Monica & Paul Pereech
2 Nikki Boyce-Carol Eastman
3 Kieran Powell-Jean Wolosiuk
Wed, Sep 10
1 Jane Smith-Gertie Barker
2 Michael Bickley-Janice Trott