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Murder accused appeared upset, court hears

The uncle of 24-year-old shooting victim Dekimo ‘Purple’ Martin told a court today that a man accused of the murder appeared “upset” when he came to the house looking for his nephew that day.Robin Lewis took the stand in the Supreme Court trial of Kevin Warner, 21, who is charged with the premeditated murder of Mr Martin on May 28 last year.Mr Warner, of Warwick Park Road, Warwick, is also charged with carrying a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence on the same date.Mr Lewis told the court this morning he finished working on May 27 last year around 5.30 or 6pm.After stopping off at the Maximart grocery store in Somerset, he got a ride from his nephew on a white motorcycle, borrowed from family friend Mr Warner.His nephew then dropped him off at the shared family home on Peacock Crescent in Sandys and grabbed a beige jacket before leaving again on the bike, the court heard.Fifteen minutes later Mr Lewis was drinking a cold beer and “winding down” when the accused had shown up at the house looking for Mr Martin, he told the court.“He was upset he hadn’t seen Dekimo and he had his bike. He appeared upset to me,” Mr Lewis told the court, during questioning by prosecutor Carrington Mahoney.During cross examination, defence lawyer Kim Hollis QC asked Mr Lewis: what gave him the impression Mr Warner had an attitude.“If someone got my brand new bike and I am looking for them and I can’t find them then I am going to have an attitude, that is the way I would be,” Mr Lewis replied.He said Mr Warner, who was a friend to both his son Kellan and daughter Chelsea, didn’t normally act that way.Despite being upset earlier in the evening, when Mr Lewis saw Mr Warner and his nephew together later that night “everything was fine”.The three men, along with friend Anthony Seymour, were together for a casual barbecue.Mr Lewis said the conversation had become “loose”, including degrading talk about women and around midnight he went inside to go to bed.After a short nap he went outside for a cigarette and said he could hear Mr Warner and Mr Martin talking.Seconds after Mr Lewis went back inside he told the court he heard three loud gun shots coming from the same area the men were.The case continues this afternoon before Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves.