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I?m not rich or famous, but I love Bermuda

I?m concerned about ?my? Bermuda ... the one that is in my heart. Until the powers that be realise that tourism feeds the general population of Bermuda and the appropriate attention is given to the product and selling of the product, tourism will flounder.

November 29, 2005

Dear Sir,

I?m concerned about ?my? Bermuda ... the one that is in my heart. Until the powers that be realise that tourism feeds the general population of Bermuda and the appropriate attention is given to the product and selling of the product, tourism will flounder.

I understand the concept of a more upscale vacation destination, but Bermuda isn?t any more expensive than going to any large US city. Selling the expensive image when you can?t necessarily back it up with a complete product is useless. The attitude of the Department of Tourism is lost on the rich and famous, or the lucky ones with a household income of $150,000. There simply isn?t enough to occupy those fickle folks.

Concentrate on the middle class couple that might already come to Bermuda on a regular basis because they are your best ambassadors and salesmen. There is nothing better than word of mouth advertising ? testimonials to great times in a beautiful place. The ?rich? will come once but they don?t have a loyal bone in their body, they will be off to the next IN place for their next vacation.

I have seen very little print advertising, in Philly anyway, advertising Bermuda as a golf destination, getaway destination, or vacation destination. Specials? Haven?t seen anything. Airfare sales? Nada. In MY opinion, Tourism and the Hotel Association missed the boat (or plane as it may) when they parted ways with Apple Vacations. Apple is a large agency that used to promote Bermuda with air and hotel packages. Even one-day fares for gas money. Apple is a sales agent and they will sell, and they will deliver.

I have just heard that The Minister of Tourism is considering raising the airport fees for the Bermuda airport. Are you kidding me? The tax on a ticket from Philly is almost $75, including the US tax. Geez....the tax is more than half of a ticket to Florida including tax. Do you see a problem here Dr. Brown?

I am pleading with the Department of Tourism to do something about the number of visitors to the island. I am embarrassed for you when I walk in St. George?s and I am the only one to be seen, when I can walk down Front Street at 11 in the morning and do not see another shopper, when I see the number of businesses and hotels going out of business.

I suggest a round table of brainstorming with people who aren?t paid by anyone to promote Bermuda, those of us who have returned time after time, year after year simply because we know the beauty of the island and her people, as well as people in Bermuda who are willing to promote Bermuda as she deserves.

As ?onions? we have seen the changes from the tourist side. I will defend the DOT in a small way; sometimes you can?t see the forest through the trees. Maybe some new and exciting things could come out of this. What are your plans for the end of the year, Dr. Brown? Want to meet 20 of us at the Swizzle Inn sometime over New Year?s? Well, there will be 20 of us ?middle class onions? from the states there to celebrate over New Year?s.

I?m not rich, I?m not famous, and I certainly don?t make $150,000, but I love Bermuda. I tell anyone who will listen, I visit frequently, I spend lots of money in Bermuda and spend less money on other trips ... I?m sold. Now, Dr. Brown, stay in Bermuda long enough to realise you are not focusing your attention and resources in the right places (expecting a large influx of Brazilians?), and sell lots of more people like me! We will come and bring others with us ... and we are very loyal.

And in an after-thought, maybe someone can answer this. Why can?t you ever get an answer from the Department of Tourism in New York? I have never seen a customer service oriented agency operated in such a useless manner. I am still awaiting a reply from an August e-mail and subsequent follow up e-mails. That certainly isn?t a good impression to a potential visitor.


Onion with over 30 trips under my belt

Philadephia, Pennsylvania

December 2, 2005

Dear Sir,

On October 16, a record field of 699 women and girls took part in the Eighth Annual PartnerRe Women?s 5K Run & Walk to raise funds to combat female heart disease.

Thanks to the very generous participation of our title sponsor PartnerRe Ltd., and supporting sponsors, we were once again able to donate all race proceeds to Bermuda Heart Foundation, this year?s chosen charity for the event. PartnerRe matched the entry fees total for a grand donation of $24,417.85 ? money dedicated to launch a first-ever ?Women & Heart Disease? educational campaign by BHF early next year.

On behalf of Mid-Atlantic Athletic Club (MAAC), I?d like to thank all our enthusiastic supporters, volunteers, participants, patient motorists, and sponsors, including PartnerRe, Continental Airlines, Pulp & Circumstance, Logic Communications, C-Travel, Strands, HWP, Stefanel, Howe Enterprising, Butterfield & Vallis, Nestle Cereals, Barritt?s, Powerade, Miles Market, Kodak Express, The Body Shop, Dunkley?s, Bermuda Gas, Sportseller, Fairmont Hamilton Princess, Waterloo House, The Reefs, Yoplait, and The Little Theatre.

Since 1998, the PartnerRe Women?s 5K has raised almost $90,000 for female-related causes in Bermuda, including programmes to fight breast cancer, physical abuse and drug dependency. We invite all women to learn more about heart disease during Bermuda Heart Foundation?s worthwhile campaign, and to join our ever-popular run and walk the next time around, on Sunday, October 15, 2006. Thank you!


Race Director, PartnerRe Women?s 5K

December 1, 2005

Dear Sir,

Regarding the recent story in the Gazette about the controversy over musicians? ?airport gigs,? I thought you might like to have an outsider?s perspective. I visited Bermuda for the first time last year, and was delighted to be greeted at the airport with live music. I realised as I watched the gentlemen play that they were unappreciated by many of the tourists coming in; but I also saw many like myself who felt grateful to them as we slogged our way through Customs.

I?ve travelled all over the world, and nowhere have I felt more welcomed than by the musicat BDA International Airport.