Police powers, energy and dentistry feature in House of Assembly business today
MPs will today debate setting up a new Energy Commission to regulate energy costs.
The group will be formed under the Energy Act 2009, which will get its second reading in the House of Assembly today by Energy Minister Terry Lister.
Currently Belco's prices are regulated by the Price Commission Act 1974, which comes under the Ministry of Finance and Mr. Lister says does not cater adequately for the modern energy industry.
The Energy Commission will also be responsible for licensing the sale of electricity.
Also today, Junior Justice Minister Michael Scott will give a second reading to the Police and Criminal Evidence Amendment Act 2009.
Mr. Scott says the amendments will give Police new powers to enter and search premises. That will be in addition to the Police and Criminal Evidence Amendment Act 2008, which allows officers to stop and search for knives.
Health Minister Nelson Bascome will give second readings to the Dental Practitioners Amendment Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Amendment.
A motion by Shadow Education Minister Grant Gibbons is also expected to be debated: that the House takes note of Bermuda International Business Association's report on US-Bermuda economic relations.
A host of other orders are expected to be carried over, including Premier Ewart Brown's controversial Prohibition of Gaming Machines Amendment Act 2009, which would allow gaming on cruise ships while in port but is opposed by some PLP backbenchers.
Some had speculated Dr. Brown could have secured enough support to push that Bill through by promoting one of his backbench critics, Neletha Butterfield, to Cabinet; and with Darius Tucker, who quit the United Bermuda Party to sit as an Independent, indicating his support for the Premier by declaring him a go-getter.