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Kudos to Miss Teen Bermuda

A number of Government and Opposition MPs congratulated Miss Medeiros on her victory last week, and were especially impressed with her views on racism. The Hon. Harry Soares (UBP) described Miss Teen Bermuda as "an outstanding young lady.'' He said:

yesterday's House of Assembly.

A number of Government and Opposition MPs congratulated Miss Medeiros on her victory last week, and were especially impressed with her views on racism. The Hon. Harry Soares (UBP) described Miss Teen Bermuda as "an outstanding young lady.'' He said: "She has very strong views about racism and she wants to talk about it.'' He added that her success and her personality were partly because of her background of support from her family, friends and the church.

Minister of Transport the Hon. Maxwell Burgess (UBP) added: "Jennifer is a young person who, without question, is an example to her peers.

"Quite frankly she represents the generation that will make the difference in bringing race relations a lot closer to the goal which we would like to achieve.'' Condolences were sent to the families of Ms Janette Burrows, Mr. Kenneth (Mearsie) Smith, Mr. Stanley Ross Doe and Mrs. Patricia Mello who all died this week.

Shadow Minister of Human Affairs and Information Ms Renee Webb (PLP) paid tribute to Ms Burrows's work in education.

Opposition House Leader Mr. Reginald Burrows (PLP) praised Mr. Smith, who was a fine spin bowler during the 50s, 60s and early 70s, before he became an umpire.

Health Minister the Hon. Quinton Edness (UBP) asked for condolences to be passed on the family of Mr. Doe who died aged 78. He won the George Medal for rescuing a pilot.

Mr. Soares paid tribute to Mrs. Mello who died aged 53. She was well known in the Paget community.

Two living members of the community received birthday best wishes from a number of MPs. Their Parliamentary colleague Mrs. Lois Brown Evans, celebrated her 67th birthday on June 1 the same day as Sir Henry Vesey was born in 1901.

Sportsmen coming in for praise this week were triple jumper Mr. Brian Wellman for his performance in Bratislava this week and Mr. Noel Gibbons who has been selected for a prestigious Rest of the World cricket team.

Ms Webb sent congratulations to the Holy Trinity Church Guild on its 30th anniversary celebrations, while Shadow Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs Mr. Leon (Jimmy) Williams (PLP) congratulated the Princess Union Lodge on its 94th birthday.

Education Minister the Hon. Clarence Terceira (UBP) praised the 125 students who graduated from Bermuda College recently.

Residents of Mount Hill, who have set up a new group to deal with the recent problems of drugs, were praised by Minister of Human Affairs and Information the Hon. Jerome Dill (UBP).

Shadow Minister of Youth and Sport Dr. Ewart Brown (PLP) congratulated Ms Vaugnette Jones who has just received her medical doctorate in the United States. She has decided to study paediatrics in Washington DC.

In a lighter moment Youth and Sport Minister the Hon. Pamela Gordon (UBP) congratulated the speaker the Hon. Ernest DeCouto on his new wig.

Miss Jennifer Medeiros.