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Going down the toiletJuly 22, 2010Dear Sir,

Going down the toilet

July 22, 2010

Dear Sir,

To my fellow Bermudians, I live abroad and have read the online Royal Gazette every day for the last 5 years. I can definitely see the downward decline of my country, and I am writing this letter to the editor to simply state that the Bermuda that I grew up in is long gone! I myself was proud to be Bermudian and used to think I wanted my kids to grow up in Bermuda. To have the same upbringing that I had, to experience the most beautiful place in the world. I no longer feel this way as I see my country to be frank, "going down the toilet".

The constant squabbling, name calling, and childish behaviour between elected officials is the laughing stock of my office. These are supposed to intelligent people that are running my country. Minister Burch for one should be utterly ashamed of himself as he contradicts his own statements on a regular basis. One recent tirade of his that my co-workers liked was the article in The Royal Gazette in which Minister Burch ripped up a letter and sent it back to the Mayor of Hamilton.

It reminds me of my three-year-old's temper tantrums. It is ridiculous.

I served in the Bermuda Regiment under Minister Burch as my CO and at that time I felt he was firm but fair. Now he is a joke that won't stop embarrassing himself and my country.

I am not a politician and don't believe I could do a better job but this a plea to the leaders of my country to grow up! It is embarrassing to be a Bermudian with the current state of the Government. I plead to you to start acting like adults for the sake of my people and my country.

Please restore some form of credibility to yourselves regardless of your obnoxious behaviour. When I show people some of the articles regarding my Government they truly can't believe their behaviour. You know what they say "ignorance is bliss", in turn I am sad to say that until the Government changes its ways, I for one, will never return to my beloved country.



Ruined by leadership

June 25, 2010.

Dear Sir,

I read in The Royal Gazette the other day the remarks made by Mr. Burgess to Mr. Moniz. I was really surprised, having known Mr. Burgess for many years. But that statement was in no way called for and it changed the thoughts I held for Mr. Burgess. But when I look at our Premier and hear his remarks it seems as if this attitude of arrogance is primed at the top (The Premier) and of course like rain it falls down. What a pity that so many will be ruined because of poor leadership. Those under the Premier are not all paid up persons to sail on the ship he will leave on one day.



Cup Match has changed

July 8, 2010

Dear Sir,

I am writing you about the violence that is rampant in this small island of Bermuda. It is becoming a tradition like codfish and potatoes, because it seems like every weekend there is gun play. The public is beginning to become immune to it by accepting it as just another incident. I am requesting the public to come forth with any information to the Crime Stoppers to help solve these crimes. It would be a welcome to have some living heroes in these times. Like Mr. Dwayne Caines, the Police public relations person said: "We need to take back our community and remember we are our brother's keeper. If I see illegal activity in my neighbourhood I will notify the proper authorities regardless of the consequences, because I am a caring citizen of the island of Bermuda."

Cup Match 2010 Somerset Cricket Club president announced that Cup Match this year will be more expensive. I therefore personally will not be attending. The prices of the stands have doubled, no ice, alcohol or beverages other than water will be allowed to enter the premises by the attendees. These are a few of the new rules set out for the purpose of safety. I would like a better explanation to the safety it would provide. A few years ago I asked the St. George's Cricket Club president 'How much it cost to put on the annual event?' His response was they break even. This happens at the County Cup games as well.

I've done rough financial figures on last year's Cup Match in St. George's. The gate receipts were roughly $120,000 at $10 per person for the two days with 12,000 attending. Roughly 40 stands at $1,500 = $60,000. Ten food stalls at $2,000 = $20,000 and for about 10 crown & anchor stands at $5,000 = $50,000. I left out the bar receipts because I have no knowledge about that.

I was not given any answer to the question about the cost to prepare the grounds. I was told they break even means they spend as much as they collect. Now that Cup Match rules and regulations are being changed as they say for the better I think it's high time the books be audited, after all, you are taking in public money. Again I will be boycotting Cup Match.

I am surprised that St. David's is not defending the Eastern County cup this year because of a dispute between Bailey's Bay. I question the mentality of the Eastern County committee and I really think they don't know how to deal with complaints. There are two issues of which I am referring to. The first one is an unsigned letter that should never have been discussed because it is not a proper document. The second issue is that the committee has awarded the County Cup to Cleveland as champions. The proper decision should have been that cup should be played for to establish a new champion for thee year 2010. Now I am afraid the Eastern County is gone like Cup Match to the dogs. By the way, in closing, next Cup Match I would not be surprised if the players demand $1,000 a day to play because everything in Cup Match is to make money. Years ago the desire by young men to play Cup Match is now gone out the door, because of the committee making everything a financial issue.



Better cards, please

July 12, 2010

Dear Sir,

I have seen some ridiculous things, but the cards designed for the Future Care clients make no sense. They are light coloured with small print. Most of the space is covered with the design instead of with a LARGE PRINT for the elderly to see. I guess the designers did not have the elderly in mind at the time. Hopefully they can be improved before the next batch are done.


Hamilton Parish

Defining respect

July 22, 2010

Dear Sir,

I would like to take space in your highly respected (by many) newspaper to draw to the attention of your readers the proper use of words "disrespect" and, more importantly perhaps "respect". As defined, briefly, by both "Websters New World Dictionary" and "The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language". Disrespect, a noun, means discourtesy, lack of respect, which means that you cannot disrespect someone nor can your be disrespected as they are not verbs. I can just hear the arrogant voice of those who use the words improperly saying something on the lines of "if I choose to use the words as I use them now. I shall continue to do so". Go right ahead and, as usual, show your ignorance.

"Respect" on the other hand may be used both as a verb and a noun. As a verb to feel or show honour or esteem for and, as a noun, honour, esteem, regard etc.

Please not that I have not used the Oxford English Dictionary because it would say the same in more detail and I would no doubt be accused of being an English prig — or worse — and the whole issue would be deflected into senseless nitpicking, as beloved of certain members of Government.

Now, having got this far, it would be churlish of me not to go a little further and deal with aspects of "respect" and "disrespect". The post of Cabinet Minister is one of respect but this does not necessarily apply to the person who holds that post. Respect for an individual has to be earned and it has to be said that there are holders of ministerial posts who have scarcely earned it with their posturings. Indeed one can only have feelings of disrespect for them.

Far be it for me to name them but I would respectfully (saving their Ministerial faces) suggest they come down off their high horses and acknowledge that there are families who have been here since the early days and who, from all races, colours and creeds, have produced individuals who have earned great respect. Sadly there are some from the modern crop who will never earn it.



Live moment by moment

Dear Sir,

Life is not going anywhere, there is no goal to it, no destination. Life is non-purposive, it simply is. Unless this understanding penetrates your heart, you cannot slow down. Slowing down is not a question of any how; it is not a question of technique, method. We reduce everything into a how. There is a great how-to-ism all over the world, and every person, particularly the modem contemporary mind, has become a how to do this, how to do that, how to grow rich, how to be successful, how to influence people and win friends, even how to love. The day is not far off when some stupid guy is going to ask how to breathe.

It is not a question of how at all. Don't reduce life into technology. Life reduced into technology loses all flavour of joy. You must relax — is going to create more tension in you life. Try harder and you will feel more tense and more tense.

Relaxation is not a consequence, is not a result of some activity; it is the glow of understanding.

This is the first thing I would like to relate to you; life is purposeless, it is very hard to accept it.

And why is it so hard to accept that life is purposeless, it is hard because without purpose the ego cannot exist. It is hard to conceive that life has no goal because without any goal being there, there is no point in having a mind, in having an ego. Life is very short. If there is a goal to be achieved, there is bound to be hurry. And there is bound to be worry, "whether I am going to make it or not" — a trembling heart, you will be always on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Have a goal, and sooner or later you will end up on the psychoanalyst's couch. Start living moment to moment. Then this moment is given to you, a gracious gift from God.

This moment is available to you: sing a song, live it in its totality. And don't try to sacrifice it for any other moment that is going to come in the future. Live it for its own sake.

P.s. I know nothing! These teachings belong to those who inspired me to discover meditation as a lifestyle.