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Policemen awarded $24,000

share of nearly $25,000 in compensation, according to the latest report by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.

The biggest single award went to P.c. Sean Morris, who suffered a fractured ankle after falling 15 feet down an embankment while chasing a suspect.

P.c. Morris was awarded a total of $11,370 for his 1997 injury, which required pinning with surgical screws.

And P.c. Paul Simons won $3,300 for pain and suffering and time off work after he was stabbed in mini-riot following a soccer match at Somerset Cricket Club in November, 1997.

Two officers injured after in a late-night attack by a mob on Court Street were awarded a total of $4,000.

P.c. Stephanie Thompson was awarded $2500, while P.c. John Clutterbuck was given $1500.

P.c. Thompson was knocked to the ground and kicked and battered by a crowd of around 20 people when she went to the assistance of P.c. Clutterbuck after he was attacked while making an arrest in November, 1997.

And P.c. Barry Richards was awarded $1500 after a pillion passenger on a passing motor cycle hit him on the head with a concrete block as he sat in his car on St. Monica's Road in Pembroke in December, 1996.

The wound required stitches and the officer suffered headaches and other problems for six months afterwards.

P.c. Mark Woolgar was awarded $942 after he fractured a finger during a 1997 arrest.

And Policeman Michael Cox -- who suffered bruising to his chest and ribs after a suspect in a 1998 domestic dispute resisted arrest -- was awarded $830 for his injuries.

St. George's officer P.c. Eric Kreuger was awarded $800 after his thumb was crushed and broken when a rider he had stopped for a motoring offence tried to drive off in February, 1997.

P.c. Simon Payne was awarded $750 after he was grabbed in the groin area by a man resisting arrest. Pc. Payne suffered bruising to the right testicle and to a nerve.

And P.c. Marlo Smith was awarded $700 after her foot was run over by a driver when she was executing an outstanding warrant in March, 1997. P.c. Smith suffered bruising and swelling, but no broken bones.

Also awarded $700 was P.c. John Williams, who suffered a fractured rib while arresting a suspect in April, 1997.