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The following is a list of stolen vehicles reported to Police During the last week (Saturday - Friday) including the location from where they were stolen.

A total of 33 cycles were stolen of which seven were recovered. A further two cycles stolen earlier were also recovered.

within the week.

A total of 33 cycles were stolen of which seven were recovered. A further two cycles stolen earlier were also recovered.

MOTOR CYCLES Black Suzuki Address Victoria Street, City White Honda Scoopy Victoria Street, City Z487 Orange Yamaha V80 Palm Valley, Southampton AG923 White Honda Scoopy Rock Garden Lane, Smith's AD626 Red Yamaha RXS100 Church Street, City AD684 Black Suzuki RC100 South Shore Road, Hamilton AA988 White Honda Scoopy Astwood Road, Paget Y204 White Honda Scoopy North Shore Road, Hamilton Red Honda Scoopy Redkiln Road, Hamilton AC117 Blue Suzuki RC100 Loyal Hill, Devonshire B995 Blue Honda City Express Rose Hill, St. George's Black Yamaha RX100 St. John's Road, Pembroke Y626 White Honda Scoopy Cedar Avenue, Pembroke AC883 Black Suzuki RC100 Middle Road, Warwick Purple/White Triumph Tiger Cub Watlington Road, Devonshire AUXILIARY CYCLES Red Yamaha V50 Church Street, City 725Q Red Yamaha V50 Church Street, City 907L Red Honda City Express Duke of Kent St., St. George's 536U Purple Peugeot South Shore Road, Paget 817J Red Honda City Express Middle Road, Paget 029U Red Daelim Church Street, City Blue Suzuki Address Mill Shares, Pembroke 920S Red PGO Scooter Bermudiana Road, City 953Q Blue Yamaha V50 Kindley Field Road, St. George's 519B Red Honda City Express Watlington Lane, Devonshire 215S Blue Honda Lead Harrington Sound Rd., Smith's 391P Red Honda Scoopy LIVERY CYCLES 1561 Blue Honda City Express Hillview Road, Warwick D550 White Honda City Express Rose Hill, St. George's G493 Blue Honda City Express Hillview Estate, Warwick G520 Red Honda Reid Street, City PEDAL CYCLES Green "Kalahari'' K250 cycle Cedar Avenue, Pembroke