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Minister backs scheme for `considerate' drivers

Dr. Brown yesterday praised the Hamilton Rotary Club's initiative in starting the Considerate Drivers Club and signed a petition enrolling himself.

better their driving habits.

Dr. Brown yesterday praised the Hamilton Rotary Club's initiative in starting the Considerate Drivers Club and signed a petition enrolling himself.

"There is no doubt that driving practices on Bermuda's roads are not what they should be,'' Dr. Brown said. "We all know this and we all agree that something should be done about it.'' He added that while Government will continue to do its part with enforcement, change would only come "if we all accepted responsibility as a community and together worked to change attitudes'' about driving.

The Considerate Drivers Club, he said was a "simple yet powerful approach'' to combating lawlessness on the roads.

Dr. Brown also cited an offence under the Road Traffic Act of 1947 in which people can be fined up to $1,000 and banned from driving for one year for driving "without reasonable consideration for other road users''.

"The people of Bermuda still want safe roads,'' Dr. Brown added. "They want to be able to carry out their chosen activities on the roads without inconvenience or injury.'' He said the club had his blessing and the approval of the Transport Ministry, Road Safety Council, and the Police Service.

"I encourage all drivers in Bermuda to join the Considerate Drivers Club,'' Dr. Brown continued. "Sign up today, put a sticker on your vehicle, show consideration for other road users.

"In doing so you will help the Hamilton Rotary Club and the Ministry of Transport put courtesy back on our roads.'' Hamilton Rotary committee chairman Gifford Stanton said the goal of club will be to encourage considerate driving, make it a "community responsibility'' to eradicate bad driving habits, and enrol all drivers -- at no charge, particularly new cycle riders in the programme.

The public can sign up for the Considerate Drivers Club at the Visitors Service Bureau, at the Bank of Bermuda and the Bank of N.T. Butterfield, and the Transport Control Department.

In addition the Island's car and cycle dealerships and motor insurance companies will soon be offering memberships.