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Hamilton Docks power cut crisis averted

The threat that a major power source for the refrigerated containers at the Hamilton docks would be shut down has been averted.Nea Talbot, speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, said yesterday: “The Ministry of Finance was aware of some concerns raised by a service provider for the Custom's X-Ray facility on the Hamilton docks.“The Ministry advised that the issue was satisfactorily resolved.”According to the Bermuda Sun, an e-mail sent by Tommy Chiappa of TC Associates to shipping companies on Tuesday informed them that a huge generator providing power to the Hamilton docks would be removed because the Bermuda Government had failed to pay its account for three months.The e-mail read: “This e-mail will serve as notice for the withdrawal of all services to do with the supplement of the 40 plug power pack used to generate 460 x 3 phase power for refrigerated and freezer containers at the Port.“This is due to non payment (over 120 days) by the Bermuda Government and the fact that there is no confirmation at present as to when payment will be forthcoming.“Because of this we have decide(sic) that we can no longer supply this unit.“Service will unfortunately cease as of Thursday morning (shut down and unplug) on November 22, 2012.“There will be no power to any refrigerated or freezer containers at the Hamilton Port thereafter unless we receive outstanding payment (July to October) or confirmation by authorised persons of a payment date that we feel is within a reasonable timeframe.”He added: “We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will advise you as soon as we receive work from government as to their plan of action regarding the position we have been placed in.”