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Off-duty Police officer attacked

An off-duty Police officer was punched in the face and wrestled to the ground outside of Champions nightclub early on Sunday morning when he attempted to stop a man on the street from knocking down motorcycles.

At 6 a.m. yesterday Police attended the reported assault outside the after-hours Reid Street nightclub where they spoke with the victim, who told them he was at the club with a member of the Bermuda Regiment following a Regiment function.

Earlier that morning, the off-duty officer went to speak with the club?s security personnel when he noticed a man knocking over motor-cycles nearby.

Police said another man appeared acting in an aggressive manner as well. The off-duty officer approached the man and asked him to calm down but the man punched him in the face. The two men wrestled with the off-duty officer ending up on the ground as a crowd gathered. One of the men then kicked the officer in the head.

The officer was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital where he was treated for bruising and abrasions to the face as well as serious abrasions to the left knee.

The officer was released from hospital after he received treatment. Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with information to contact the Hamilton CID on 295-0011.