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Female bike rider attacked by two men

A woman on a motorcycle was forced to pull over by two men on motorcycles before being punched unconscious by one of the men.

She did not regain consciousness until three hours later and found her motorcycle a short distance away.

According to the 19-year-old Hamilton Parish woman she had been riding her bike east along Middle Road in Devonshire at 8.30 p.m. last Thursday in the vicinity of Howard?s Mini Mart when she was approached by two unknown men on motorbikes who forced her to stop.

?A scuffle ensued with the two suspects, with one of them punching the victim in the face several times until she lost consciousness. She awoke approximately three hours later next to Howard?s Mini Mart. Nothing was taken from the woman and she was not injured further,? said Police in a statement.

The woman was treated at hospital for bruising and swelling to her face. The suspects are described as two young black men, believed to be in their 20s, 5ft 8in to 5ft 10in tall wearing jackets and full helmets.

Anyone with information about the incident should call Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011.