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One man dead after holiday shootings

Police take photos and collect evidence in Camp Hill, Southampton at the scene of a murder on Boxing Day after a 30-year-old male was shot to death less than 48 hours after another man was shot in the same area and sent to hospital.

One man is dead and another seriously ill in hospital after a double Boxing Day shooting in Camp Hill, Southampton.

It followed the gunning down of a 24-year-old Pembroke man in Camp Hill on Christmas Day, in what is believed to be a gang-related incident. The man killed yesterday, at about 9 p.m., was a 30-year-old from Southampton. The other victim last night was a 25-year-old Warwick man, who was shot in the lower part of his body and is now in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

The victim from the Christmas Day shooting, who was shot in the shoulder at about 12.20 a.m., was last night said to be in a stable but not life-threatening condition at KEMH.

Police were unable to confirm that last night's attack was a gang-related retaliation. However, large numbers of officers spent most of yesterday afternoon in the St. George's area in anticipation of a revenge attack.

Officers set up a huge presence at Kindley Field Road to search people heading toward Wellington Oval, St. George's, for Devonshire Cougars' match against North Village Rams.

Numerous people were searched, with one man in his 20s seen to drop a dagger with a foot-long blade before being handcuffed and bundled into a Police car. Officers said a number of arrests were made and at least one weapon was seized.

At a brief press conference shortly before midnight last night, Assistant Police Commissioner Carlton Adams said: "Today is the second consecutive day on which we have received reports of a firearm being used in the Southampton area."

On Police efforts since the Christmas Day shooting, he said: "We have been very active throughout today with a view to trying to discourage criminal behaviour."

Asked whether more attention should have been paid to Camp Hill, he replied: "Attention was paid to areas we considered to be flashpoints.

"In the aftermath of a soccer match, it's where people gather. Hindsight is always 20-20. We have 21 square miles to address."

Chief Inspector Tracey Adams said: "At this stage we are unable to confirm whether it's a retaliation act or not. We've not ruled it out."

Police say a number of people were in the area at the time of Christmas Day's shooting and are urging witnesses to come forward. There are currently no suspects for either incident, although some people are helping Police with their inquiries.

A team of 25 officers from the Serious and Organised Crime Unit are investigating along with the Intelligence Unit and the Forensic Support Unit.

Asked whether any shells had been recovered following the Christmas Day shooting, Tracey Adams said forensic experts had picked up a number of items and were trying to establish what they were.

In a statement released before last night's double shooting, Bermuda Police Service said: "This incident is being treated very seriously by the Bermuda Police Service. The peace of the holiday season has been destroyed by a criminal act of violent behaviour.

"The Bermuda Police Service is appealing to the community to remain vigilant and to assist Police by reporting any suspicious individuals or activities occurring in their neighbourhoods.

"We are also appealing to community leaders to emphasise the need for calm and restraint at this time and throughout the remainder of the festive season."

Police have not released further details about the incident.

Security at KEMH was stepped up as a matter of routine immediately after the Christmas Day victim was admitted, but returned to normal level for the rest of the day.

Yesterday, about 30 officers, including some in plain clothes and some with Police dogs, gathered at Kindley Field Road from about 12.30 p.m. for the rest of the afternoon, with a number of large Police cars and vans parked at the scene. Cars and motorcycles were pulled over and the occupants searched.

One eyewitness said: "One guy was getting searched and a dagger with a foot-long blade fell to the ground from behind his back. The Police handcuffed him and put him in a car."

A Police spokesman said: "It was part of our high visibility Police patrol. We were doing our best to put our face out there so if anyone is thinking about retaliation then they would at least think twice about doing something."

Speaking after the Christmas Day shooting but before the Boxing Day shooting, Bishop of Bermuda Ewen Ratteray said: "I'm just sad about it, especially at this time of year.

"I think it's appalling and it's time all of this kind of stuff stopped. "People get angry and overreact. People are people and some people are peaceable and some are not. Christmas or not, some will behave badly."

Minister of Labour, Home Affairs and Housing David Burch, Cabinet's spokesman for Police, is currently abroad but has been made aware of the incidents.

In a statement last night, he said: "I have been briefed about a series of disturbances over the Christmas period and as such I want to assure the public that the Bermuda Police Service have committed resources to fully investigating these incidents with a view to bringing the culprits to justice.

"I am deeply disturbed by these incidents particularly at this most holy of Christian holidays. I ask that all parents make a special effort to engage their young people to ensure no further incidents. I shall seek an early briefing from the Police as it relates to this matter upon my return."

Sen. Burch said his Cabinet colleague Nelson Bascome was Acting Minister in his absence, and was being kept fully aware of developments.

United Bermuda Party MP Mark Pettingill, who represents Warwick West on the fringe of where the incidents happened, said: "This is just the last type of thing that we need in the community.

"This is now the level of criminal event that we have escalated to in this country. We have to do everything we can by way of legislation and Police enforcement to reverse this road to ruin."

Witnesses or anyone with information should call Police on 299-4323 or the anonymous CrimeStoppers hotline on 1-800-623-8477.