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Letters to the Editor, September 29, 2006

Why is it that on Channel 4 it always shows the same info despite the fact, that in every hour,something?s bound to happen out in the ocean? I mean, Channel 23 actually has an individual who explains what?s happening around the clock. Why can?t the people at Accu-Weather, do the same exact thing (if you can put FreshTV on Channel 3 what?s the difference?)? Wouldn?t the change help the individual if he/she wants to know exactly where a hurricane is located every 30 minutes? I feel it?ll be a tremendous change and a plus regarding how weather in Bermuda should be viewed instead of showing the same yellow writing on a blue screen and saying what?s issued at 6 p.m. when it?s 9 p.m. (do you see the point I?m making?). Accu-Weather needs to better themselves!

Weather updates needed

September 20, 2006

Dear Sir,

Why is it that on Channel 4 it always shows the same info despite the fact, that in every hour,something?s bound to happen out in the ocean? I mean, Channel 23 actually has an individual who explains what?s happening around the clock. Why can?t the people at Accu-Weather, do the same exact thing (if you can put FreshTV on Channel 3 what?s the difference?)? Wouldn?t the change help the individual if he/she wants to know exactly where a hurricane is located every 30 minutes? I feel it?ll be a tremendous change and a plus regarding how weather in Bermuda should be viewed instead of showing the same yellow writing on a blue screen and saying what?s issued at 6 p.m. when it?s 9 p.m. (do you see the point I?m making?). Accu-Weather needs to better themselves!

Pack racing has returned

September 21, 2006

Dear Sir,

Since repeated calls to the police generate no results, I thought I?d vent my frustrations via this letter to the Editor about the noise and recklessness that takes place on South Road in Smiths Parish on Friday and Saturday nights in the early morning hours when most people are trying to get some well deserved rest from their long days at work. Its no secret that the entire stretch of South Road that runs from McGalls Hill westward has become notorious for ?pack racing? over the years. Lately it has become worse in terms of frequency and noise. While this summer was surprisingly quiet, this past weekend it seemed to rear its ugly head again as these maniacs on their loud bikes began racing up and down in the early morning hours.

My residence is close to the road and I have a good view from the front of my house so when I went outside I saw that 30 or so people had gathered in the parking lot outside of A1 Supermarket hanging out with their bikes everywhere. I witnessed a few of them pop wheelies and ?drag racing? before returning indoors to attempt to get back to sleep. The racket continued for quite some time until they all eventually left the area and went elsewhere, most likely to find another location to be a nuisance and a danger to the public.

Each individual road user has to be responsible for themselves when driving on the roads and exercise care and caution but the police have the responsibility to enforce the traffic laws and be present on the roads when the most carnage happens. I remember the old days when there was more respect for peoples peace and quiet and more police on patrol to deter things like this. We need more patrols in the area to nip this foolishness in the bud before somebody else becomes a fatal statistic. Any comment, traffic police?


It?s not an option

September 22, 2006

Dear sir,

Having attended Thursday night?s meeting concerning building the hew hospital in the Botanical Gardens a point was raised by a member of the audience as to why the Botanical Gardens was put forward as the preferred site. The Botanical Gardens are not an option especially since the sustainable development drive, and should never have even been considered as a possible site. There is always a second opinion and there has to be an alternative.