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Slave ship will be commemorated by sculpture's unveiling

A sculpture commemorating the slaves who came to Bermuda in 1835 on-board the Enterprize will be unveiled in Barr's Bay Park tomorrow.

The Corporation of Hamilton is holding a ceremony marking the 175th anniversary of the arrival of the ship between 5.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.

Chesley Trott's sculpture 'We Arrive' will be unveiled at the party, which will feature light refreshments and entertainment from acts including TROIKA, Bermuda Donquili African Dancers, Joy Barnum and Veejay Steede.

The Enterprize was an American ship carrying 78 slaves from Virginia to South Carolina, which was forced by bad weather to dock at Barr's Bay Park.

Slavery had been abolished on the Island the previous year and the slaves were offered the chance to continue to Charleston to be sold or live a free life in Bermuda. All but one woman and her five children chose to remain.

The Corporation wants anyone who is a descendant of the free Enterprize slaves to get in touch by e-mailing dtrott@cityhall.bm or calling 292-1234.

• The vessel was formerly known as the Enterprise but historians who have researched the story now believe it was spelt Enterprize.