Reject this Trojan Horse and play the King
Not a lot to report this week, other than another very successful Bridge Club Christmas Party last Saturday night! A good time was had by all and I believe the food, refreshments and side events, including the bridge , were top class … the bridge in terms of enjoyment, not necessarily quality, as it is not an easy game to play after copious amounts of food and wine!This week’s hand came up on BBO last week and something about it fascinated me but I couldn’t figure out what! In the end it came to me, and perhaps shows why bridge is so different to chess in that the human element is all important in certain situations.E/W Vul .Dealer SouthS - J6532H - 765D - J95C - Q10S - 109 S - 8H - AK943 H-QJ102D - Q6 D-10432C-K873 C- AJ62S - AKQ74H - 8D - AK87C - 954South opened a spade and east overcalled two hearts … North bid a preemptive three spades and when East bid four hearts, South bid four spades … West passed quickly and East after a long think, but 5 hearts is one down and now East West had to beat four spades.West led the two top hearts and declarer ruffed the second with the trump queen … declarer now proceeded quite expertly … he drew trumps with the Ace and Jack, ruffed dummy’s last heart, cashed the Ace of diamonds and exited with a low club to the ten, looking for all the world like a man looking for an end play/ruff and discard.East won the Jack of Clubs, cashed the Ace (declarer playing the nine to still look like a man with a doubleton) and predictably led a diamond and declarer had a choice … play West for the doubleton Queen and play the King, or play East to have the Queen with any length and duck … the odds clearly favoured the latter.The answer? Well, it depends on how good East West are! If they are good, East would have received count in clubs from partner and would know that continuing a third club was a safe play instead of leading away from the diamond queen! So once he leads a diamond it seems clear that he is allowing you to make a play ( ducking ) that you cannot make on your own as you cannot get to dummy … he knows the diamond situation and also knows that a third club would force you to ruff in dummy and play the King of diamonds bringing down the Queen.So, you must reject this Greek Gift and play the King, making your contract.Not easy to follow I know, but try it!And if East was a bad player? You are on your own on that one as it is really random … I would duck!LATEST RESULTSMonday afternoon, November 28N/S 1 Gill Gray-Pat Siddle 2 Richard & Wendy Gray 3 Dianna Kempe-Aida Bostelmann E/W 1 Margie Way-Gill Butterfield 2 Jane McCleary-Ellen Davidson 3 Julia Lunn-Jeanette ShawMonday evening, November 28N/S 1 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith 2 Tony Saunders-Jean Johnson 3 Elizabeth McKee-John Glynn E/W 1 Kevin Comeau-Rachael Gosling 2 Bill Tucker-Alan Douglas 3 Peter Donnellan-Lynanne BoltonWednesday morning, –November 30N/S 1 Jean Johnson-Judy Bussell 2 Lyn O'Neill-Magda Farag 3 Peter Donnellan-Jane Clipper E/W 1 Gertie Barker-Gordon Bussell 2 Greta Marshall-Lynanne Bolton 3 Steve Ball-Linda PollettWednesday evening, –November 30N/S 1 Joyce & Ted Pearson 2 Kath & Geoff Bell E/W 1 Louise Payne-Katyna Rabain 2 Judy Harte-Lorna AndersonThursday evening, December 1N/S 1 Katrina Van Pelt-Peter Donnellan 2 Kath Bell-Thomas Bolton 3 Michael Tait-Jane ClipperFriday evening, December 2N/S 1 Jean Johnson-Joe Wakefield2 Alan Douglas-Jane Smith3 David & Sally Sykes3 Gordon Bussell-Jim LietchE/W 1 Tony Saunders-Charlie Gambrill2 Stephanie&Eddie Kyme3 Judy Bussell-John Hoskins4 Marg Way-Diana DielResults compiled by Julia Lunn