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Forget Class and Colour, Visitor Urges Leopards, The Royal Gazette, January 16, 1959, pg 13

Forget Class and Colour, Visitor Urges Leopards"I want to feel when I come to Bermuda that I can go anywhere," an American visitor, Mr. Samuel Coulston told the Leopards Club last night. When I come here again I want to go to any hotel and be accepted as a visitor."Mr.Coulston said that he arrived here on Sunday and found Bermuda a most beautiful place but "there is much more that can be done if all of us would stand together."

Forget Class and Colour, Visitor Urges Leopards

"I want to feel when I come to Bermuda that I can go anywhere," an American visitor, Mr. Samuel Coulston told the Leopards Club last night. When I come here again I want to go to any hotel and be accepted as a visitor."

Mr.Coulston said that he arrived here on Sunday and found Bermuda a most beautiful place but "there is much more that can be done if all of us would stand together."

He understood there was "quite a bit of racial prejudice" here but felt it could be overcome. "All we need t do is get together, organise and become as one …"

He said he had travelled in such places as Nigeria, Algeria and Morocco and he could see the changes. "We as a race must meet the changes if we are to get anywhere in this life," Mr. Coulston added.

"Racial prejudice, especially the kind we have in the United States, is a stupid thing. The colour of one's skin has nothing to do with intelligence."

He urged the audience to forget class and colour distinction and prejudice among themselves. "We have to have a lot of the blame on ourselves."

He concluded: "I am glad to be here and I hope the next time I come I will be able to feel I can go any place I want to in this beautiful country."

He was introduced by Mr. H. H. Brown and thanked by the club's president. Mr. Sheldon Darrell.

The Royal Gazette January 16, 1959, pg 13