A bad decision, Minister
April 6, 2014
Dear Sir,
Not since the financial rape of Bermuda by the PLP has this Island been so poorly served by its Government. Like many, I had high hopes for the OBA and didn’t believe they would be the ones to bury their collective heads in the sand and hope that something unpleasant would go away.
By denying the Rebecca Middleton film crew access to our Island, Bermuda will be described as the most uncaring third world country in the world.
Our police and judicial system failed badly and that fact will not go away, ever, but we could have showcased the improvements we have made to minimise such horrendous miscarriages of justice ever happening again.
This film will be made I can see the opening credits “The rape and murder story that the Government of Bermuda didn’t want you to know about”. Anybody want to guess how much positive press Bermuda will get out of this decision? Bad decision Minister.