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Corporation renews bid to build Par-la-Ville hotel

The Corporation of Hamilton is renewing its bid to build a hotel at Par-la-Ville car park.The process is being put out to tender again after the Corporation pulled out of a $110 million hotel bid.The failure of that bid which took three years to reach disappointed Government and the Carlson Hotel group.

The Corporation of Hamilton is renewing its bid to build a hotel at Par-la-Ville car park.

The process is being put out to tender again after the Corporation pulled out of a $110 million hotel bid.

The failure of that bid which took three years to reach disappointed Government and the Carlson Hotel group.

“The development of a first-class hotel for the City at the Par-la-Ville car park site has long been an objective for the Corporation of Hamilton,” Secretary to the Corporation Kelly Miller said yesterday in her release.

“Previous requests for proposals were unsuccessful, but with Bermuda's overall tourism infrastructure undergoing a major upgrading, and the airlift significantly increasing, the Corporation believes that the time has come to renew its efforts to find a developer in the City,” she said.

Mayor of Hamilton, Lawson Mapp, said on Friday: “In its continuing commitment to the creation of a first-class signature hotel at Par-la-Ville, the Corporation has decided that the time is once again right to seek potential developers for what they see as an exciting challenge to create a modern city hotel that, at the same time, integrates seamlessly with the beautiful Par-la-Ville gardens.

“All of the Corporation Members are looking forward to receiving proposals for this landmark site, and they are hoping to see some innovative, creative designs that will result in a building that typifies the uniqueness of Bermudian architecture with all of the high-end amenities that our visitors of today expect,” Mr. Mapp said.

As a result, the Corporation is asking for “applications from potential developers wishing to enter into a partnership with the Corporation for the provision of a first-class city hotel, a residential component and underground car park. The development must not contain any provision for office space other that that necessary to manage the development”.

Submissions should be sent to Kelly Miller, the Secretary to the Corporation at City Hall by no later than 5 p.m. on November 12. Copies of the guidelines are available for interested parties from Ms Miller or City Engineer David Graham at City Hall, or phone 292-1234.

“The Corporation of Hamilton is not bound to proceed with any of the submissions received,” Ms Miller said.